Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Absolute Beginner English Daily Habits and Routines
Absolute Beginner English Daily Habits and Routines After students have completed this lesson they will be able to complete most basic linguistic functions (giving personal information, identifying and basic description skills, talking about basic daily tasks, and how often those tasks are done). While there is obviously a lot more learning to be done, students can now feel confident that they have a strong base on which to build in the future. With this lesson, you can help students begin speaking in longer phrases by having them prepare a talk on their daily activities that they can then read or recite to their fellow classmates and which can then be used as the basis for questions. Part 1: Introduction Give the students a sheet with various times of the day. For example: 7:007:308:0012:003:305:006:3011:00 Add a list of verbs they are familiar with on the board. You may want to write a few examples on the board. For example: 7.00 - get up7.30 - eat breakfast8.00 - go to work Teacher: I usually get up at 7 oclock. I always go to work at 8 oclock. I sometimes have a break at half past three. I usually come home at five oclock. I often watch TV at eight oclock. etc. (Model your list of daily activities to the class two or more times.) Teacher: Paolo, what do I often do at eight oclock in the evening? Student(s): You often watch TV. Teacher: Susan, when do I go to work? Student(s): You always go to work at 8 oclock. Continue this exercise around the room asking students about your daily routine. Pay special attention to the placement of the adverb of frequency. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said. Part II: Students Talk About Their Daily Routines Ask students to fill out the sheet about their daily habits and routines. When students are finished they should read their list of daily habits to the class. Teacher: Paolo, please read. Student(s): I usually get up at seven oclock. I seldom have breakfast at half past seven. I often go shopping at 8 oclock. I usually have coffee at 10 oclock. etc. Ask each student to read their routine in class, let students read all the way through their list and take note of any mistakes they may make. At this point, students need to gain confidence when speaking for an extended period of time and should, therefore, be allowed to make mistakes. Once the student has finished, you can correct any mistakes he or she may have made. Part III: Asking Students About Their Daily Routines Ask students to once again read about their daily routine to the class. After each student has finished, ask the other students questions about that students daily habits. Teacher: Paolo, please read. Student(s): I usually get up at seven oclock. I seldom have breakfast at half past seven. I often go shopping at eight oclock. I usually have coffee at 10 oclock. etc. Teacher: Olaf, when does Paolo usually get up? Student(s): He gets up at 7 oclock. Teacher: Susan, how does Paolo go shopping at 8 oclock? Student(s): He often goes shopping at 8 oclock. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. Pay special attention to the placement of the adverb of frequency and the correct usage of the third person singular. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Books’ Argument Life and humans’ ecosystem depend on the environment entirely. The book of Rachel Carson, which is titled as â€Å"Silent Spring†, has shed light on what environmental conservation entails. This book describes the threats faced by the environment due to human activities. It is interested in environmental conservation and the threats of its degradation to nature where it elaborates the details concerning environmental conditions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Silent Spring†by Rachel Carson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In perspective, the author inspects the areas of the environment that have been affected adversely which include the earth’s water sources and atmosphere among others. In this light, she argues that the human race has to pay because of misusing the environment and encourages humanity to conserve it properly. Furthermore, she identifies and c riticizes the strategies that are applied without considering the environmental conservation and protection. In this regard, she describes the effects of using DDT when showing how people have neglected other creatures in the ecosystem. This book has assessed most aspects including the positive and the vast negative impacts of human activities on the environment. The explicit details of societal participation in environmental pollution have pointed out clearly about the effects of human activities and their impacts on the surrounding. She argues that the environment depends entirely on the activities of human beings. Rachel establishes the impacts of man’s socio-economic activities on the environment and the society. Social Factors Several social factors have been outlined in the book as the possible causes of environmental degradation. These factors include overcrowding that arises in the refugee camps. The strategies initiated to save refugees’ lives have resulted to pollution of rivers and other water sources. For instance, the government launches plans to boost food production through irrigation projects which use pesticides. Unfortunately, these actions have led to adverse reactions including the pollution of rivers among others. In this light, a refugee manager attributed the death of birds to pesticide accumulation in the rivers due to the agricultural practices (Rachel, 45). These depict how the human population causes environmental degradation. In malaria prevalent areas, the pesticides used to control mosquitoes have led to a decline in the insects’ population due to the use of DDT. Moreover, Carson also identifies poverty as a major player in the degradation of the environment. The insect disease vectors that carry malaria are very common in places with poor sanitation which arise due to poor social setup and economic imbalances.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get you r first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Impacts of Degradation Several impacts of degradation have been identified in the societies and the environment. The pollution of the environment by the pesticides drained into rivers has led to the loss of biodiversity owing to the fact that birds inhabiting the rivers are reported dead. The other result of degradation is the reduced aesthetic value of the environment. The author has brought up a clear incident on how trees are drying due to the use of pesticides. In areas prone to environmental degradation, reduced fecundity, malnutrition, and pandemic diseases have resulted to a negative change of the human population. There are diseases that reduce human lifespan and cause many deaths. The incident elaborated by Carson about two boys who died in Florida is a clear illustration on how death arises from the wastes that people dispose carelessly in the environment (Rachel, 28). Therefore, â€Å"Silent Spring†is the liter ature that most environmental scientists appreciate as it evaluates most issues concerning; the social causes of environmental degradation, its impacts in the societies, and its effects on the environment as a whole. Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. Print.
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