Thursday, December 26, 2019
An avowed nationalist, who had impact on the American...
An avowed nationalist, who had impact on the American dream, Theodore Roosevelt brought presidency and nation into the twentieth century. (Theodore) Theodore Roosevelt was the twenty sixth president of the United States, a president that had great impact in politics. He was born into a rich family, and he suffered from asthma during his childhood (United States. National Park service). He studied at Harvard University, and the Columbia law school (United States. National Park service 2). He attended the New York Assembly, which was his first step in to politics (Hall of Governors). At the time of the Spanish American war, he helped create a group called the Rough Riders, and was elected to be the governor of New York. (Hall of†¦show more content†¦This allowed funds from the Western public lands to be used on dams and irrigation in the arid, dry land in the Western areas (Theodore Roosevelt on Film 1). The act was a success because of the effect it brought, it affected the w estern part of United States by allowing a better agricultural condition, and in the process of building the dams and irrigation, many jobs were created which helped people in poverty or in hard situation to earn money (Theodore Roosevelt on Film 2). In October of 1902, Theodore Roosevelt also intervened in a labor dispute between the United Mine Workers and the coal industry, the first time a president has done so (Theodore Roosevelt on Film 3). He pressured the industry to meet and settle with the workers and threatened to send in troops to seize operation of the mines (Theodore Roosevelt on Film 4). This protected the rights of workers in mines, and by these kinds of acts, Theodore Roosevelt shaped the American dream by creating better workplace conditions for many groups. Next, Theodore Roosevelt also put his attention in how the economy was going on. He soon figured that there were a lot of rich people at the time who owned companies with lots of workers working there. Theodore Roosevelt said in a paper sent to congress stating, the people of this country continue to enjoy great prosperity (Roosevelt ). Undoubtedly there will be ebb and flow in such prosperity, and this ebb and flow
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Information On Promotional Opportunities Advertisements
Information on promotional opportunities. †¢ Advertisements: many gyms center allegation hilarious fees for the first time random visiting and when someone makes an examination at gym and proposal new consumer a free 5 times to visit pan to come down and attempt the facilities. †¢ Client functions: when exercise, player practice with expert and will receive the experiences from experts such as consideration demand, attitudes, tasks, special competences and liability, as well as practice with expert who will not arrive to personal related which accident the formation and allowance of experiences credit. For example: during the practice period time, player should not be under the command of alcohol or drug which negative impact the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Productlaunches: during day’s follows event, it is important that conduct the energy for new production. Results with target groups and command those who displayed excite in the production. On the other hand, timing a release can mean almost the difference between achievement and collapse. Therefore, stay aware of the best and worth times of the year to release production. For example: the Christmas and New Year months are ambitious because almost people are on vacation. †¢ web pages: shows almost information that relate and also the processes of these course existed in business and the advantage of images or pictures details condition to build an quality connection by combined valuable, afford free tips and advantageous information and as well as shows directly google maps for someone who easier to find the location. A statement of your research objectives/hypotheses. This research report aims to identify the fitness industry’s John’s Gym This research is to find out the opportunity for John’s Gym to join into the fitness industry. As per the industry report, it can tell there’s an intensive competition among the industry over 50% of the market is shared by large franchise company. A research will be conducted in order to help the company to make up an effective marketing plan and help the company to positioning themselves into a most advantage position in the market. Base on the research, a marketing plan is to be made for below objectives: - Providing
Monday, December 9, 2019
Intercultural Communication in Global Business †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Intercultural Communication in Global Business. Answer: Introduction: Intercultural communication can be defined as the kind of communication by means of which the people or individuals from various diverse cultural backgrounds communicate with each other (Carbaugh 2013). It is significant to note that during the conduct of business the various business organizations often come a situation when they need to conduct with people or business organizations belonging to various diverse cultural or ethical backgrounds (Washington, Okoro and Thomas 2012). It is precisely here that the process of intercultural communication becomes very significant. The advent of globalization and the growth of trade and commerce across the frontiers of the different nations have made the process of intercultural communication one of the primary tools which the various business organizations often take the help of in order to effectively conduct their business across the different nations (Neuliep 2012). It is significant to note that the various business organizations when co nducting business with the various individuals or business organizations with people or business organizations from various other nations need to make certain adaptations regarding the way they communicate and behave with others in a bid to effectively conduct their business with the business organizations or people belonging to other business organizations or people belonging to other nations (Washington, Okoro and Thomas 2012). This essay intends to analyze the process of intercultural communication and its various related precepts. Mary is an Australian who hails from a family which has always in love with food and the food industry. Her mother and other family members from the early phases of their lives had been in love with food and the food industry and they even used to prepare foods and present them as gifts to their relatives as well as friends. Therefore, it was quiet natural for Mary to develop that love for food and food industry. Thus, when she grew up she opened her own small business which specializes in the manufacture a variety of condiments. It is significant to note that The Aroma Shop and a small factory in Wagga Wagga and the specialty of which is that they do not take the use of artificial preservatives for the preparation of the food item. In addition to that, the small business of Mary provides a range of products to the customers like chilli sauces, pastes, chutneys and jams. The business of Mary is doing reasonably good in the nation of Australia however following the path of globalizati on she now wants to expand her business in the nation of China and for the achievement of this particular purpose she has arranged for an official meeting with Mr. Lau, a Chinese business around 55 years old. It is significant to note that Mary is confused as regards the approach she should take regarding the meeting with Mr. Lau as she has never conducted any business dealings with the Chinese people but knows that their culture as well as way of conducting business is drastically different from the approach followed by the Australian people. The culture as well as the way of conducting the business of the Chinese people is starkly different from the way of the other nations as well as the other cultures (House 2014). A cultural graph of the nation of China as per the Hofstedes Models of Culture would reveal the following facts The above figure clearly indicates that the Chinese people like to indulge in group activities instead of individual work which is clearly shown by the lower level of individualism on the graph. Furthermore, the masculinity section of the graph is moderate which means that the Chinese people are likely to more driven by the concepts of competition, success as well as achievement which as a matter of fact forms the core values of all their business organizations (Hofstede Insights 2018). Moreover, the high score on the power distance section indicates that not all people in the nation of China are equal and there is a division of power in the society of China as per the ranks and the position held by them (Hofstede Insights 2018). The lower score on the uncertainty avoidance section is an indicative of the fact that the Chinese people use ambiguous and that the words or the language used by them have a different connotation than their surface meaning (Hofstede Insights 2018). The high score on the long-term orientation is an indicative of the fact that the Chinese culture is a very pragmatic one and the people in the society believe that truth depends very much on situation, context and time(Hofstede Insights 2018). Lastly, the considerably low score on the indulgence section is an indicative of the fact that the society of China is a very restrained one and the people in the nation of China have a tendency to cynicism and pessimism and display a controlled gratification of their desires (Hofstede Insights 2018). Mary hails from the nation of Australia and the culture as well as the way of transacting the business in the nation of Australia is slightly different from the other nations of the world. A cultural analysis of the nation of Australia as per the Hofstedes Model of Culture is represented. The above figure clearly that the power distance in the society of Australia is very low whereas the individualism in the society is very high (Hofstede Insights 2018). Furthermore, the masculinity of the Australian people is also high just like the indulgence section (Hofstede Insights 2018). However, the uncertainty avoidance and the long-term orientation in the society of Australia are comparatively low (Hofstede Insights 2018). Therefore, from the above two graphs it becomes clear that the cultures of Australia and China are different from each and thus to make her meeting with the Chinese business Mr. Lau, Mary will have to make certain alterations in her approach as well as the way she has been conducting her business in the nation of Australia. The first alteration which she needs to make is the way she has been greeting her clients (Martin and Nakayama 2015). It is significant to note that the Australian people use very casual language for the purposes of greeting however the Chinese people on the other hand are very formal when it comes to greetings when conducting a business deal (Martin and Nakayama 2015). Furthermore, the individualism quotient of the people is high in comparison to the same in the nation of China. Therefore, she will have to focus more on the concept group of group rather than on individual work (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). Furthermore, the power distance in the society of Australia is very low whereas the power distance in the society of China is very high. This implies that there is an unequal distribution of power in the society and therefore she will have to address as well as treat the people as per their ranks and power (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). This is something which is starkly different from the culture and the society of Australia in which she is used to conducting her business (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). Furthermore, the masculinity index of the society of China is higher than the masculinity index of Australia which means that she will to focus more on the various precepts of competition, success and achievement (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). Moreover, the indulgence quotient of the society of China is very low in comparison to the same in the society of Australia (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). Thus, she will have to take into account the restrained society and culture of China and approach Mr. Lau accordingly. The long-term orientation of the society of China is higher than that of Australia and thus she will have to adopt a pragmatic approach towards the meeting which she is intending to have with the Chinese businessman Mr. Lau (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). These in short are some of the adaptations which Mary needs to take into consideration for her meeting with the Chinese businessman Mr. Lau which will enable her to expand her business in the nation of China. To conclude, it becomes evident that intercultural communication forms an important part of the entire process of communication and also the business operations of the various business organizations. It is significant to note that the various business organizations take the help of this particular kind of communication method to communicate in a more effective manner with the business organizations from different nations with diverse cultural backgrounds. The concept of intercultural communication gained popularity with the advent of the concept of globalization and is considered one of the most important precepts of the concepts of globalization. Therefore, to conduct their business effectively in the different nations of the world the various business organizations take the help of this particular kind of communication to effectively negotiate with the other business organizations in the nations with which they are trying to have business relationships. References Carbaugh, D. ed., 2013.Cultural communication and intercultural contact. Routledge. Hofstede Insights. 2018.Australia - Hofstede Insights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2018]. Hofstede Insights. 2018.China - Hofstede Insights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2018]. House, J., 2014. Moving across languages and cultures in translation as intercultural communication. InTranslational action and intercultural communication(pp. 14-46). Routledge. Kankaanranta, A. and Lu, W., 2013. The evolution of English as the business lingua franca: Signs of convergence in Chinese and Finnish professional communication.Journal of Business and Technical Communication,27(3), pp.288-307. Martin, J.N. and Nakayama, T.K., 2015. Reconsidering intercultural (communication) competence in the workplace: A dialectical approach.Language and Intercultural Communication,15(1), pp.13-28. Neuliep, J.W., 2012. The relationship among intercultural communication apprehension, ethnocentrism, uncertainty reduction, and communication satisfaction during initial intercultural interaction: An extension of anxiety and uncertainty management (AUM) theory.Journal of Intercultural Communication Research,41(1), pp.1-16. Neuliep, J.W., 2017.Intercultural communication: A contextual approach. Sage Publications. Washington, M.C., Okoro, E.A. and Thomas, O., 2012. Intercultural communication in global business: An analysis of benefits and challenges.The International Business Economics Research Journal,11(2), p.217.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Last Frontier Of The United States Was A Great Time Period Where A
The last frontier of the United States was a great time period where Americans and immigrants from around the world came and settled for new land. It was a time where the federal government encouraged western settlement and economic exploitation. The United States of America came of age after the civil war. In a period of less than fifty years, it was transformed from a rural republic to an urban state. The frontier had vanished. Great factories and steel mills, transcontinental railroad lines, flourishing cities, vast agricultural holdings marked the land. And in them came accompanying evils: monopolies tended to develop, factory working conditions were poor, cities developed so quickly that they could not properly house or govern their teeming populations, factory production sometimes outran practical consumption. The American frontier was an escape and a place of hope for those willing and able to take their futures into their own hands. In the United States the frontier moved in stages, beginning with the Eastern settlements, the original 13 colonies. After the American Revolution, the pioneers gradually crossed the Appalachians and went into the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys, then, in the mid-19th century, across the Mississippi. Settlement did not proceed directly across the continent, however. Most of the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountain regions were temporarily bypassed in the rush to get to California. The rush was for gold, and the Mexican War had given California, along with the whole Southwest, to the United States. Settlement was spurred by the Homestead Act of 1862 which granted free farms of 160 acres to citizens who would occupy and improve the land. By 1880, nearly 56,000,000 acres was and found their way into private hands. Going to the west was a very hard thing to do since people didn't know what was out there. Since the beginning of white settlement in America, the Indians had given way befo re the advancing cabins of the pioneer farmers. The states wanted the Indians removed from their borders. White farmers and land speculators demanded their land. White communities feared having Indian tribes as neighbors. Under the Removal Act of 1830, Congress offered to buy the lands of tribes living in the settled states east of the Mississippi and to give them new land in the West. The Indians of the Plains were persuaded to admit the tribes moved from the East. An Indian Bureau was established to look after their needs. Troops were sent to guard the frontier. The government made treaties with the tribes as sovereign nations. It granted them land forever as long as the grass shall grow and the waters run. These promises were not kept. Once the notion of the American Desert was found to be largely a myth, white travelers, traders, and settlers began following the overland trails into the West. The government did not keep them out of the lands given to its Indian wards. Friction a nd warfare between the two peoples followed After the indian war was done miners had ranged over the whole of the mountain country, tunneling into the earth, establishing little communities in Nevada, Montana, and Colorado. Cattlemen, took advantage of these enormous grasslands, had laid claim to the vast region stretching from Texas to the upper Missouri River. Sheepmen, too, had found their way to the valleys and mountain slopes. Then the farmers swarmed into the plains and valleys and closed the gap between the east and west. By 1890, the frontier had disappeared. Five or six million men and women now farmed where buffalo had roamed only two decades before. Speeding the process of colonization were the railroads. In 1862, Congress voted a charter to the Union Pacific Railroad, which pushed its track westward from Council Bluffs, Iowa. At the same time, the Central Pacific began to build eastward from Sacramento, California, toward an undetermined junction point. The whole country was stirred as the two lines steadily approa ched each other, finally meeting on May 10, 1869, at Promontory Point in Utah. The transportation between East and West was improved when the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads met in Utah. The importance of the wagon trails soon began to diminish. Twenty years later irrigation ditches were
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Crime and the Death Penalty essays
Crime and the Death Penalty essays For most crimes committed in the United States a fine, sentence of time in jail or execution is the punishment. However, the death penalty is the most questionable punishment. Is it morally right? Is it effective in deterring crime, primarily murders? Weather or not you agree if it is moral or not, one issue remains. The death penalty is not an effective way to deter crime. The death penalty has existed as long as humans have existed. The quote "an eye for an eye" is found in the Bible. In the middle ages fines, public humiliation and imprisonment were appropriate punishments for all crimes, and death penalty for all murders. Today, Federal law states that the death penalty is to be enforced with convicted criminals for: treason; deserting armed forces during wartime; murder committed by a soldier; kidnapping and murder that involves crossing state lines; murder committed during an airplane hijacking; and of course, homicide. The death penalty is also called for punishment of for: attempting to kill anyone investigating or prosecuting his or her activities; advising, directing, authorizing or assisting in the murder of someone. Also, The Anti-Drug abuse act of 1988 calls for the death penalty for all drug related killings. Along with that, The bill amending sec. 848 to controlled substances act calls for the death penalty or life imprisonment for certain drug offences possession of 10 or more kg of heroin, cocaine, phencyclidine or analogue. Added to that, The drug kingpin act sates the use of death penalty for convicted major drug dealers caught with huge quantities of drugs, over 66 lbs. of heroin and 330 lbs. of cocaine. Even though there are these federal laws requiring the use of the death penalty for the crimes, State laws only consider one crime, murder, to be a capital offense. In the United ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
15 Part-Time Jobs That Pay More Than $40 per Hour (And How to Get Them)
15 Part-Time Jobs That Pay More Than $40 per Hour (And How to Get Them) When you think part-time, you might think of some of the classics: retail, food service, babysitting. In reality, there are tons of part-time opportunities out there- many of which can be pretty lucrative, if you have the right skill set (or are willing to pick it up). Let’s look at some of the best-paying part-time gigs out there. 1. TutorTutors provide extra academic help for students, whether it’s in a specific subject area at school or prepping for standardized tests. As college entrance gets more and more competitive, more students and their parents are looking to hire academic helpers. Depending on the student’s needs and the tutor’s level of expertise, tutors can command anywhere from $15 to $200 an hour (particularly for specialized test prep, like SAT and grad school entrance exams).What you’ll need: Knowledge and a track record of grades, high test scores, etc. If you’re still bursting with pride over your near-perfect SATs, you mig ht be able to put that savvy to work by the hour.2. Personal TrainerIf your ideal version of â€Å"the office†involves the clank of free weights and orderly rows of treadmills, becoming a personal trainer could be a good and flexible option for you. Personal trainers meet one on one with clients by the hour, developing and implementing fitness plans. Personal trainers can earn up to $50 an hour.What you’ll need: Physical fitness, for starters- clients tend to want someone who can lead by example. Depending on where you live, you may also need to become certified.3. Makeup ArtistIf you’re creative and know your way around an eyeshadow palette, being a freelance makeup artist offers a flexible hourly job that can pay anywhere from $13 – $40+ per hour. Per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, makeup artists are the highest-paid workers in the cosmetology industry.What you’ll need: Some states require that makeup artists be licensed, so you’ll need to pay close attention to your state’s requirements. You can also train to become a makeup artist at a licensed cosmetology school. You might also want to consider relocating, if you don’t already live in a big metro area- large cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago have the highest-paid makeup artists.4. Translator/InterpreterParlez-vous francais? As we start to think more globally, people who can ease communication and cultural transitions will be in huge demand. Companies (especially those with international offices) may employ translators directly, or use a third-party agency that matches qualified translators with particular jobs. Translators can earn up to $50 an hour, depending on the complexity of the project.What you’ll need: fluency in at least one language other than English, with very strong grammar and syntax skills.5. Therapist/Life CoachBecause therapy is often appointment-based, that gives the therapist flexibility to practice full- or part-time. Whether it’s counseling, life coaching, or social work, client appointments can fetch $45-$150 an hour.What you’ll need: a degree in psychology, counseling, or social work (depending on your field), plus potential licensing, depending on your state’s requirements.6. Freelance WriterWebsites, publications, agencies, publishers- they all need content, and talented writers to produce it. Think outside the magazine, too. Many companies need part-time writers to create in-house materials, instruction manuals, etc. Technical writers are especially in demand, and can command the high end of the $33-$75 per hour spectrum. Freelance writers are available on a project basis to write and edit various materials.What you’ll need: Strong written communication skills, and a lot of self-starting initiative/self-marketing skills.7. Adjunct ProfessorLike tutoring, this is another great part-time avenue if you have very specific subject expertise or experienc e. Being an adjunct faculty member at a local college or an online school lets you teach classes on a part-time basis. Adjunct teaching jobs often let you work your â€Å"day†job and teach about it at night, or leaving your days flexible for other life priorities.What you’ll need: Either a degree in your field or extensive experience working in it. You should also have good communication and people skills, because working with students can require a lot of problem solving and translating complicated concepts for people who haven’t seen them before.8. Massage TherapistA massage therapist is another appointment-based service provider who can set up a very flexible part-time job with strong hourly rates. You can work for a spa or healthcare facility, or set up shop as a roving masseur (have folding massage table and essential oils, will travel). Demand for massage therapists is growing as it becomes an accepted part of many health and wellness plans. Experienced m assage therapists can make up to $60 per hour.What you’ll need: Completion of an accredited training program. A degree is not typically necessary, but classes in anatomy, physiology, and other sciences definitely helps. Many states require that massage therapists be licensed, so be sure you’re up on your state’s own requirements.9. App/Software DeveloperIf you think you’re sitting on the next Candy Crush, you should be all set for life. But realistically, most app and software developers work on a part-time, project basis while they have other tech jobs. Developing on the side can be a very lucrative moonlighting opportunity, with rates that range from $30-$60 per hour.What you’ll need: A degree in computer science or software engineering isn’t absolutely essential, but it’s an extremely helpful foundation. You’ll also need excellent coding skills, as well as knowledge about UI design, programming languages, basic computer back end knowledge, and general market knowledge.10. Fitness InstructorLike personal trainers, fitness class instructors (yoga, pilates, Zumba, etc.) can often set their own schedule, aligning classes and teaching appointments with other life obligations. While many teachers start at around $20 an hour, more experienced and established teachers can command $40 an hour for their services.What you’ll need: Certification definitely gives you an edge here, as does experience with whatever fitness specialty you want to teach. Expertise is what builds a student base and increases your hourly earning potential.11. BartenderThis might be the classic high-paying part-time job, one you can do on nights and weekends. While the hourly salary for bartenders is on par with other food service jobs (read: not astronomical), there’s a huge potential for tips that drives up the hourly income to anywhere from $10-$75, depending on the bar, the customer base, and how many times you’ve s een the movie Cocktail. (Kidding on the last one- I don’t recommend throwing around bottles of tequila unless you’re a) Tom Cruise; or b) really know what you’re doing.)What you’ll need: Right now, the trend is â€Å"mixology†over traditional sud-slinging, so taking a bartending/mixology course to learn how to make cocktails can help you develop a range of signature drinks- and a loyal customer base. You’ll also need to be over 21.12. Rideshare DriverThis is another one that prioritizes hustle over a set schedule. Drivers for ridesharing services (like Uber and Lyft) can earn up to $30 an hour, plus tips.What you’ll need: A driver’s license and a car that’s clean, presentable, and in good working order.13. Web DesignerThis is a part-time job you can do from literally anywhere (assuming there’s wifi). Web designers create and maintain websites for clients. And those with advanced skills in graphic design and co mputer programming do best of all, along with a good dose of self-marketing ability and business savvy. Web designers can earn $15-$75 per hour, depending on the projects and experience.What you’ll need: Graphic design know-how, coding skills (particularly HTML), and a go-getting nature to develop a customer base are all essentials for a career in web design.14. Dog Walkerâ€Å"Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night†stop the mail from being delivered, and they also don’t stop dogs from needing to get out and exercise while doing their business. Dog walkers often earn $15-$20 per dog per walk, and if you have multiple clients set up for half-hour or hour-long walks, hourly rates end up in the $15-$75 range.What you’ll need: Must love dogs (or at least tolerate them and be willing to clean up after them). A background in dog training or behavior is also helpful, since every dog has different needs and issues. Insurance and licensing are also a major plus for your dog walking resume, as clients are entrusting their furriest family members to your care.15. Business ConsultantIf you have a business background but need a flexible schedule, consulting may be the way to go. Consultants with specific expertise can apply their skills to projects or an ongoing relationship with different companies without being on the full-time hook. Top consultants can make $150-$300 per hour, depending on qualifications and experience. Sites like HourlyNerd can help hook you up with projects that match your expertise.What you’ll need: An advanced degree in business (typically an MBA or similar), and/or extensive expertise and experience in the field where you want to consult. You’re selling your knowledge and experience, so you’ll need to have a track record of both if you want to make big bucks as a consultant.Just because you’re looking for a flexible or part-time job doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice full-time money. If you have an extra dash of hustle and are willing to go out and develop the skills and training you need, these jobs can be a very lucrative way to create a customized work schedule for yourself.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How-To Documentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How-To Documentation - Essay Example The first source is an article titled â€Å"Preparing and Delivering Speeches.†This article addresses in great length, how one can prepare their speech presentation, and ensure that they meet their objective. The authors of the article have identified important areas that an individual should focus on when preparing their speech presentation. First is the topic of the speech, which they consider should be considerate of the audience. The speech itself is a second area that should be of interest. The authors of the article have outlined steps that can help one to develop a speech that is easy to comprehend. Practising for the speech has also been addressed, and this could be through timing one’s speech, using notecards, and working on the language before presentation. The final area is presentation. Here, the authors explain how to start and end the presentation in the most appropriate manner (Segrin and Clackamass Web). The second article is a YouTube video that was prepared by the GradProSkills, a skills training program of the Concordia University. This involves an instructor offering tips on how to prepare adequately for public speaking. The speakers emphasize that public speaking is a skill that should be nurtured. However, before presentation, of importance is for one to practice how they will deliver the speech. This is mainly through voice warm ups, in order to train on one’s emotional tone, the speed at which one speaks, and the number of words spoken per minute, which in this case should be at around 150. Preparing for a speech, according to the instructor in this video also involves practising for breathing tones and pitch (Concordia University Web). The third article is published in the Forbes, and emphasizes only one way of ensuring that one is ready to present their speech. This, according to the author of the article is practice. After writing the speech, one should engage in extensive practice, in order to perfect their
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Philosophy Movie Paper Apocalypto Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Philosophy Movie Paper Apocalypto - Essay Example The religion of the Mayan culture is portrayed through the life of the people and especially through that of the young hunter Jaguar Paw. It is seen throughout the movie and it will be really hard for one to fail to notice it. Violence to protect the family, dreams, visions and honoring gods all show the religious faith of the Mayan people. In the opening scene where Jaguar Paw, his father and other people are hunting in the forest is a show of religious faith. They are hunting for forest food and as we learnt in the lecture, this makes me believe that the Mayan people have got a connection with forest animals and the forest itself. They all take care and live well with the forest, animals and the land. By Jaguar Paw sharing the organs of their kill with other people so as to share to the whole village shows that they have got respect for the animals and use them economically. When they encountered another tribe fleeing, Jaguar Paw is worried. His thoughts are not at ease and it is not difficult for his wife to notice. This shows a connection between a man and his wife. He later at night gets a vision of the leader of the fleeing tribe and this act like a warning to Jaguar about the attack (Carter 66). Jaguar Paws father told him that his father hunted in that forest and Jaguar and his son should also live hunt in the same forest. Although Jaguar had difficulties of overcoming fear as it is shown when he runs from his pursuant, his father’s words â€Å"not to fear†help him realize that with fear he was not going to rescue his wife and son or even avenge the death of his father. The kind of courage that Jaguar Paw gets from the words of his dead father is a rare kind to find today. He takes a very difficult decision not to run and by convincing himself that he knew this forest better gives him great courage. He thinks of his family and how he will live with them in that forest and his son and him hunting in it and dares
Sunday, November 17, 2019
History and Physical Examination Essay Example for Free
History and Physical Examination Essay Admitting Diagnosis: Stomatitis possibly methotrexate related. Chief Complaint: Swelling of lips causing difficulty swallowing. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This patient is a 57-year-old Cuban woman with a long history of rheumatoid arthritis. She has received methotrexate on a weekly basis as an outpatient for many years. Approximately two weeks ago she developed a respiratory infection for which she received antibiotics and completed that course of antibiotics. She developed some ulcerations of her mouth and was instructed to discontinue the methotrexate approximately 10 days ago. She showed some initial improvement but over the last 3 to 5 days has had malaise, a low grade fever and severe oral ulcerations with difficulty in swallowing. Although she can drink liquids with less difficulty. Patient denies any other problems at this point except for a flare of arthritis since discontinuing the methotrexate. She has rather diffuse pain involving both small and large joints. This has caused her some anxiety. MEDICATIONS: 1. Prednisone 7.5 mg p.o. daily. 2. Estradiol 0.5 mg p.o. q.a.m. 3. Mobic 7.5 mg p.o. daily, recently discontinued because of questionable allergic reaction. 4. HCTZ 35 mg p.o. every other day and oral calcium supplements. 5. In the past she has been on penicillamine, azathioprine, and hydroxychloroquine but she has not had Azulfidine, cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil. ALLERGIES: None by history. FAMILY/SOCIAL HISTORY: None contributory. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: This is a chronically ill appearing female alert oriented and cooperative. She moved with great difficulty because of fatigue and malaise. VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 107/80. Heart rate 100 and regular. Respirations 22. HEENT: Normocephalic, no scalp lesions, dry eyes with conjunctival injection, mild exophthalmos, dry nasal mucosa, marked cracking and bleeding of her lips with erosions of the mucosa. She has a large ulceration of the mucosa at the bite margin on the left. She has some scattered ulcerations on her hard and soft palate. She has difficulty opening her mouth because of pain. Tonsils not enlarged. No visible exudate. SKIN: She has some mild ecchymosis on her skin and some erythema. She has patches but no obvious skin breakdown. She has some fissuring in thebuttocks crease. PULMONARY: Clear to percussion and auscultation bilaterally. CARDIOVASCULAR: No murmurs or gallops noted. ABDOMIN: Soft, non-tender, protuberant, no organomegaly and positive bowel sounds. NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves 2 through 12 are grossly intact. Diffuse hyporeflexia. MUSCULOSKELETAL: Corrosive destructive changes in the elbows, wrists and hands consistent with rheumatoid arthritis. Has bilateral total knee replacements with stove pipe legs and perimalleolar pitting edema 1+. I feel no pulses distally in either leg. PHYCIATRIC: Patient is a little anxious about these new symptoms and theyre significance. We discussed her situation and I offered her psychological services. She refused for now. PROBLEMS: 1. Swelling of lips and dysphasia with questionable early Stevens-Johnson syndrome. 2. Rheumatoid arthritis class 3, stage 4. 3. Flare of arthritis after discontinuing methotrexate. 4. Osteoporosis with compression fracture. 5. Mild dehydration. 6. Nephrolithiasis 7. Anxiety PLAN: 1. Admit patient for IV hydration and treatment of oral ulcerations. 2. Obtain a dermatology consult. 3. IV leucovorin will be started and the patient will be put on high dose corticosteroids. 4. Considering patients anxiety perhaps obtain services of Stella Rose Dickinson PHD phycology at a later date.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Nociception :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Nociception Pain is possibly the most unpleasant sensations our senses can detect. Even though we typically fail to remember what pain feels like when we are not experiencing it, we certainly do not wish to experience pain. Despite pain's unpleasantness, it has to be appreciated for what it is. Namely, a mechanism that allows us to avoid dangerous situations, to prevent further damage, and to promote the healing process. Pain allows us to remove ourselves form dangerous situations, as we attempt to move away from noxious stimuli that cause pain. As we attempt to escape stimuli that cause pain after an initial insult on our body, pain can prevent further damage form occurring. Finally, pain promotes the healing process as we take great care to protect an injured body part form further damage as to minimize the experience of more pain. How is this unpleasant, yet helpful sensation detected? Nociception is the term commonly used to refer to the perception of pain. The receptors involved in pain detection are aptly enough referred to as nociceptors - receptors for noxious stimuli. (1) These nociceptors are free nerve endings that terminate just below the skin as to detect cutaneous pain. Nociceptors are also located in tendons and joints, for detection of somatic pain and in body organs to detect visceral pain. Pain receptors are very numerous in then skin, hence pain detection here is well defined and the source of pain can be easily localized. In tendons, joints, and body organs the pain receptors are fewer. The source of pain therefore is not readily localized. Apparently, the number of nociceptors also influences the duration of the pain felt. Cutaneous pain typically is of short duration, but may be reactivated upon new impacts, while somatic and visceral pain is of longer duration. (2) It is important to note that almost all body tissue is equipped with nociceptors. (1, 2) As explained above, this is an important fact, as pain has primary warning functions. If we did not feel pain and if pain did not impinge on our well-being, we would not seek help when our body aches. Hence, it makes evolutionary sense for the body to be so well equipped with nociceptors in almost all locations. The most notable exception to this logic is the brain. The brain itself has no nociceptors and therefore is pain insensitive. Why is this all-important structure not equipped with and therefore indirectly protected by nociceptors? Nociception :: Biology Essays Research Papers Nociception Pain is possibly the most unpleasant sensations our senses can detect. Even though we typically fail to remember what pain feels like when we are not experiencing it, we certainly do not wish to experience pain. Despite pain's unpleasantness, it has to be appreciated for what it is. Namely, a mechanism that allows us to avoid dangerous situations, to prevent further damage, and to promote the healing process. Pain allows us to remove ourselves form dangerous situations, as we attempt to move away from noxious stimuli that cause pain. As we attempt to escape stimuli that cause pain after an initial insult on our body, pain can prevent further damage form occurring. Finally, pain promotes the healing process as we take great care to protect an injured body part form further damage as to minimize the experience of more pain. How is this unpleasant, yet helpful sensation detected? Nociception is the term commonly used to refer to the perception of pain. The receptors involved in pain detection are aptly enough referred to as nociceptors - receptors for noxious stimuli. (1) These nociceptors are free nerve endings that terminate just below the skin as to detect cutaneous pain. Nociceptors are also located in tendons and joints, for detection of somatic pain and in body organs to detect visceral pain. Pain receptors are very numerous in then skin, hence pain detection here is well defined and the source of pain can be easily localized. In tendons, joints, and body organs the pain receptors are fewer. The source of pain therefore is not readily localized. Apparently, the number of nociceptors also influences the duration of the pain felt. Cutaneous pain typically is of short duration, but may be reactivated upon new impacts, while somatic and visceral pain is of longer duration. (2) It is important to note that almost all body tissue is equipped with nociceptors. (1, 2) As explained above, this is an important fact, as pain has primary warning functions. If we did not feel pain and if pain did not impinge on our well-being, we would not seek help when our body aches. Hence, it makes evolutionary sense for the body to be so well equipped with nociceptors in almost all locations. The most notable exception to this logic is the brain. The brain itself has no nociceptors and therefore is pain insensitive. Why is this all-important structure not equipped with and therefore indirectly protected by nociceptors?
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Criminal Justice and Technology
Computer and telecommunications technologies in criminal justice system have developed at an extraordinary rate. Increased computing power, advances in data transmission and attractive and user-friendly graphic interfaces present law enforcement agencies with unprecedented capacity to collect, store, analyze and share data with stakeholders inside and outside of government. Technology in criminal justice field represents a tool to help local law enforcement achieve its broadened and increasingly complex mission. But whether this capability is fully realized, and at what pace, is not a foregone conclusion. Preliminary studies suggest that if its integration is not well managed, some aspects of technology may meet with resistance among officers and other staff, particularly when such technology is perceived as unfairly intrusive or technically cumbersome. Historically, technological innovation has served as the catalyst for dramatic changes in the organization of police work and has presented both opportunities and challenges to police and other criminal justice practitioners, according to Janet Chan, a social scientist who has studied how technology affects the way police do their jobs. Noting that information is the stocking- trade of policing, Chan has identified three general imperatives driving law enforcement’s investment in information technology: 1. A Technology-driven imperative to improve effectiveness and efficiency by increasing the capacity to store and process large volumes of data; Improving intelligence and investigative capabilities; and providing ready access to criminal records and other kinds of relevant data. 2. An Information-driven imperative to satisfy increasing demands to share data with external entities, including other government agencies, the public and other outside entities such as insurance companies and other businesses; and 3. A Policy-driven imperative to meet the requirements of new forms of police management and accountability, in terms of probity, cost effectiveness, and procedural regularity, including systems designed to provide early warning for police use of force complaints. Under this new order, police are being scrutinized internally by management systems, surveillance technologies, internal audits and investigations and externally by watchdog agencies, public complaint systems and central auditors. As Chan notes, information technology provides a tool not only for policing citizens, but also for policing the police. Important technologies in the Criminal Justice System DNA- The past decade has seen great advances in a powerful criminal justice tool: deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. This one can be used to identify criminals with incredible accuracy when biological evidence exists. By the same token, DNA can be used to clear suspects and exonerate persons mistakenly accused or convicted of crimes. In all, DNA technology is increasingly vital to ensuring accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system. DNA is generally used to solve crimes in one of two ways. In cases where a suspect is identified, a sample of that person’s DNA can be compared to evidence from the crime scene. The results of this comparison may help establish whether the suspect committed the crime. In cases where a suspect has not yet been identified, biological evidence from the crime scene can be analyzed and compared to offender profiles in DNA databases to help identify the perpetrator. Crime scene evidence can also be linked to other crime scenes through the use of DNA databases. DNA evidence is generally linked to DNA offender profiles through DNA databases. In the late 1980s, the federal government laid the groundwork for a system of national, state, and local DNA databases for the storage and exchange of DNA profiles. This system, called the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), maintains DNA profiles obtained under the federal, state, and local systems in a set of databases that are available to law enforcement agencies across the country for law enforcement purposes. CODIS can compare crime scene evidence to a database of DNA profiles obtained from convicted offenders. CODIS can also link DNA evidence obtained from different crime scenes, thereby identifying serial criminals. In order to take advantage of the investigative potential of CODIS, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, states began passing laws requiring offenders convicted of certain offenses to provide DNA samples. Currently all 50 states and the federal government have laws requiring that DNA samples be collected from some categories of offenders. Fingerprints- offer an infallible means of personal identification. That is the essential explanation for their having supplanted other methods of establishing the identities of criminals reluctant to admit previous arrests. The science of fingerprint Identification stands out among all other forensic sciences for many reasons, including the following: * Has served all governments worldwide during the past 100 years to provide accurate identification of criminals. No two fingerprints have ever been found alike in many billions of human and automated computer comparisons. Fingerprints are the very basis for criminal history foundation at every police agency on earth. * Established the first forensic professional organization, the International Association for Identification (IAI), in 1915. * Established the first professional certification program for forensic scientists, the IAI's Certified Latent Print Examiner program (in 1977), issuing certification to those meeting stringent criteria and revoking certification for serious errors such as erroneous identifications. * Remains the most commonly used forensic evidence worldwide – in most jurisdictions fingerprint examination cases match or outnumber all other forensic examination casework combined. * Continues to expand as the premier method for identifying persons, with tens of thousands of persons added to fingerprint repositories daily in America alone – far outdistancing similar databases in growth. * Worldwide, fingerprints harvested from crime â€Å"scenes lead to more suspects and generate more evidence in court than all other forensic techniques combined†. Other visible human characteristics change – fingerprints do not.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hbs Case “Marriott Corporation: the Cost of Capitalâ€Â
Marriott Corporation: Questions for HBS case â€Å"Marriott Corporation: The cost of capital†1)Are the four components of Marriott's financial strategy consistent with its growth objective? In my opinion, the four components of Marriott's financial strategy are consistent with its growth objective. As we find in the case, the four components of Marriott's financial strategy: Manage rather than own hotel assets, Invest in projects that increase shareholder value, Optimize the use of debt in the capital structure, and Repurchase undervalued shares; are aligned with the growth objective.Marriott wants to remain a premier growth company. This means aggressively developing appropriate opportunities within our chosen lines of businessâ€â€lodging, contract services, and related businesses. In each of these areas, their goal is to be the preferred employer, the preferred provider, and the most profitable company. 2)How does Marriott use its estimate of its cost of capital? Does t his make sense? In the case is stated that Marriott required three inputs to determine the opportunity cost of capital: debt capacity, debt cost, and equity cost consistent with the amount of debt.The cost of capital varied across the three divisions because all three of the cost-of-capital inputs could differ for each division. This is the most logical approach due to the fact that the projects related to a particular division should be evaluated using the division’s WACC rather than the corporation’s WACC. 3)What is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital for Marriott Corporation? In order to calculate the WACC for Marriott’s Corporation I’m going to use the following formulas: 1. Weighted Average Cost of Capital: 2. Levered Beta: Marriott’s structure: D= 60% E=40% Marriott’s corporate tax:Tc= 175. 9 / 398. 9 Tc=0. 441 Marriott’s Pre-tax cost of debt: Debt rate premium above government= 1. 30% U. S. Government Securities Interest Rates : Maturity 30 years = 8. 95% Kd = 0. 0895 + 0. 013 Kd= 0. 1025 Marriott’s after tax cost of equity: Leverag. TcAsset BetaEq. Beta MARRIOTT 41%0. 4410. 7991. 11 MARRIOTT 60%0. 4410. 7991. 47 Ke = rf + Beta * (MRP) Rf=8. 95%(U. S. Government Securities Interest Rate) MRP=7. 43%(Exhibit 5) Ke = 8. 95% + 1. 47 * ( 7. 43%) Ke=0. 20 WACC = (1 – 0. 44) * 0. 1025 * 60% + 0. 2 * 40% WACC=0. 1139 The Weighted Average Cost of Capital for Marriott Corporation is 11. 9% a)What risk free rate and risk premium did you use to calculate the cost of equity? Risk free rate †¢30 years Maturity U. S. Government Interest Rate (8. 95%) Risk Premium †¢Spread between S 500 Composite returns and long-term U. S. government bond returns between 1926-87 (7. 43%) b)How did you measure Marriott's cost of debt? I calculated Marriott's cost of debt adding Marriott’s debt rate premium above government (1. 30%) to the 30 years Maturity U. S. Government Interest Rates (8. 95%). 4)What ty pe of investments would you value using Marriott's WACC?I will use Marriott’s WACC to evaluate projects that do not refer to a single division. This can be projects that add are related to the whole company and affect each division. In example, a project related with branding that will increase Marriott overall reputation and value 5)If Marriott used a single corporate hurdle rate for evaluating investment opportunities in each of its lines of business, what would happen to the company overtime? Using a single corporate hurdle rate for evaluating investment opportunities in each of its lines of business will lead to accept bad projects and reject profitable projects.In the case that the IRR of the return was slightly above Marriott WACC you would accept the division’s project although you might be operating bellow the division’s WACC and loosing money. 6)What is the cost of capital for the lodging and restaurant divisions of Marriott? In order to calculate the c ost of capital for the lodging and restaurant divisions I will use the same formulas than in question 3. Hotels ReturnEq. BetaLeverageRevenuesAsset Beta HILTON HOTELS CORPORATION13. 30. 7614%0. 770. 697 HOLIDAY CORPORATION28. 81. 3579%1. 660. 435 LA QUINTA MOTOR INNS-6. 40. 8969%0. 170. 397 RAMADA INNS, INC. 11. 71. 3665%0. 50. 667 Average0. 549 Restaurants ReturnEq. BetaLeverageRevenuesAsset Beta CHURCH’S FRIED CHICKEN-3. 21. 454%0. 391. 417 COLLINS FOODS INTERNATIONAL20. 31. 4510%0. 571. 365 FRISCH’S RESTAURANTS56. 90. 576%0. 140. 550 LUBY’S CAFETERIAS (Operates cafeterias. ) 15. 10. 761%0. 230. 756 McDONALD’S22. 50. 9423%4. 890. 805 WENDY’S INTERNA TIONAL4. 61. 3221%1. 051. 149 Average1. 007 LodgingRestaurant D/V50. 0%75. 0% E/V50. 0%25. 0% Tc44%44% Kd10. 05%8. 70% Rf8. 95%6. 90% Rprem1. 10%1. 80% Ke15. 31%29. 74% Eq. Beta0. 8562. 696 Asset Beta0. 5491. 007 Rf8. 95%6. 90% EMRP7. 43%8. 47% Sales % from total41. 00%13. 00% WACC10. 6%11. 08% a)What risk-free rate and risk premium did you use in calculating the cost of equity for each division? Why did you choose these numbers? Risk free rate Lodging division †¢30 years Maturity U. S. Government Interest Rate (8. 95%) †¢Is a long-term investment Risk Premium Lodging division †¢Spread between S&P 500 Composite returns and long-term U. S. government bond returns between 1926-87 (7. 43%) †¢Is a long term investment Risk free rate Restaurants’ division †¢1 year Maturity U. S. Government Interest Rate (6. 90%) †¢Is a short-term investment, and the next available option is a 10 years rate which is too long.Risk Premium Restaurants’ division †¢Spread between S&P 500 Composite returns and short-term U. S. Treasury bill returns: between 1926-87 (8. 47%) †¢Is a short-term investment, and I used a 1 year Maturity U. S. Government Interest Rate as the risk free rate. b)How did you measure the cost of debt for each division? Should the debt cost differ across divisions? Why? I calculated each division’s cost of debt adding the division’s debt rate premium above government to the U. S. Government Interest Rates that best represented the divisions behave. Risk free rate Lodging division 30 years Maturity U. S. Government Interest Rate (8. 95%) Risk free rate Restaurants’ division †¢1 year Maturity U. S. Government Interest Rate (6. 90%) The debt cost should differ across divisions because each one operate as independent business with different behavior. c)How did you measure the beta of each division? In order to measure the beta of each division, I got the average Asset Beta of the companies that where more similar to the division, and I leverage it with the capital structure of the particular division. 7)What is the cost of capital for Marriott's contract services division?How can you estimate its equity cost of capital without publicly traded comparable companies? In order to calculate t he cost of capital for the contract service division I will use most of the formulas I stated on question number three. Additionally, as we do not have data of similar companies that we can use to extract the contract service division’s Asset Beta, I will calculate the WACC for the contract service division using the following formula: Marriott’s Asset Beta = (Lodging Asset Beta * division’s % of total sales) + (Restaurants Asset Beta * division’s % of total sales) + (Contract services Asset Beta * division’s % of total sales)Cleaning the equation in function of the Contract services Asset Beta, you find the Contract services Asset Beta. MarriottLodgingRestaurantContract Services D/V60. 0%50. 0%75. 0%60. 0% E/V40. 0%50. 0%25. 0%40. 0% Tc44%44%44%44% Kd10. 25%10. 05%8. 70%8. 30% Rf8. 95%8. 95%6. 90%6. 90% Rprem1. 30%1. 10%1. 80%1. 40% Ke19. 87%15. 31%29. 74%21. 91% Eq. Beta1. 4700. 8562. 6961. 772 Asset Beta0. 7990. 5491. 0070. 964 Rf8. 95%8. 95%6. 90%6. 90% EMRP7. 43%7. 43%8. 47%8. 47% TA %100. 00%41. 00%13. 00%46. 00% WACC11. 39%10. 46%11. 08%11. 55% The contract service’s WACC is 11. 55%
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Famous Inventors - G Biographies
Famous Inventors - G Biographies Frances Gabe Gabe and the history of the Self-Cleaning House. Dr. Dennis Gbor Developed the theory of holography while working to improve the resolution of an electron microscope. Galileo Galilei One of the greatest scientists of all history Galileo had proved that the planets revolve around the sun not the earth as people thought at the time. He also invented a crude thermometer, early telescope, and contributed to the invention of the clock. Luigi Galvani Demonstrated what we now understand to be the electrical basis of nerve impulses. Charon Robin Ganellin Received a patent for Tagamet - inhibits the production of stomach acid. John Garand Invented the M1 semiautomatic rifle or Garand rifle in 1934. Samuel Gardiner Inventor of the high explosive rifle bullet. Bill Gates The chairman of Microsoft, their chief software architect, and the creator of many early PC software programs. Books on Bill Gates Richard Gatling Inventor of the Gatling gun William Ged The Scottish goldsmith who invented stereotyping in 1725, a process in which a whole page of type is cast in a single mold so that a printing plate can be made from it. Hans Geiger Hans Geiger co-invented the geiger counter. Joseph Gerber Invented the Gerber Variable Scale ® and the GERBERcutter ®. Edmund Germer Invented a high-pressure vapor lamp. His development of the improved fluorescent lamp and the high-pressure mercury-vapor lamp allowed for more economical lighting with less heat. A C Gilbert Invented the Erector Set - a childs building toy. William Gilbert Father of electricity who first coined the term electricity from the Greek word for amber. Lillian Gilbreth An inventor, author, industrial engineer, industrial psychologist, and mother of twelve children. King Camp Gillette Invented the disposable balde safety razor. Charles P Ginsburg Developed the first practical videotape recorder (VTR). Robert H Goddard Goddard and the history of liquid-fueled rockets. Sarah E Goode The first African American woman to receive a US patent. Charles Goodyear Made improvements in the indian-rubber fabrics used in tires. James Gosling Invented Java, a programming language and environment. Gordon Gould Invented the laser. Meredith C Gourdine Invented electrogasdynamics systems. Bette Nesmith Graham Invented Liquid Paper. Sylvester Graham Invented Graham Crackers in 1829. Temple Grandin Invented livestock handling devices. Arthur Granjean Invented the Etch-A-Sketch - a childs reusable drawing tool. George Grant An improved tapered golf tee was patented in 1899 by George F. Grant. Grateful Dead - Trademarks Famous trademarks belonging to the Grateful Dead. Elisha Gray Elisha Gray also invented a version of the telephone - biographies and patent information. See Also - Elisha Gray Patents Wilson Greatbatch Invented an implantable cardiac pacemaker. Leonard Michael Greene Invented a stall warning device for airplanes. Greene has patented dozens of inventions related to aviation technology. Chester Greenwood A grammar school dropout, Greenwood invented earmuffs at the age of 15 and accumulated over 100 patents in his lifetime. David Paul Gregg First envisioned the optical or laser disc in 1958 and patented it in 1969. KK Gregory The ten-year-old famous inventor of Wristies ®. Al Gross Invented a walkie talkie radio and a telephone pager. Rudolf Gunnerman Invented water-based fuels. Johannes Gutenberg In 1450, Gutenberg made his first printing press. Try Searching by Invention If you cannot find what you want, try searching by invention. Continue Alphabetically H Starting Last Names
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Russo-Japanese War and the Battle of Tsushima
Russo-Japanese War and the Battle of Tsushima The Battle of Tsushima was fought May 27-28, 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) and proved a decisive victory for the Japanese. Following the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, Russian fortunes in the Far East began to decline. At sea, Admiral Wilgelm Vitgefts First Pacific Squadron had been blockaded at Port Arthur since the opening action of the conflict while ashore the Japanese had laid siege to Port Arthur. In August, Vitgeft received orders to break out from Port Arthur and join with a cruiser squadron from Vladivostok. Encountering Admiral Togo Heihachiros fleet, a chase ensued as the Japanese sought to block the Russians from escaping. In the resulting engagement, Vitgeft was killed and the Russians were forced to return to Port Arthur. Four days later, on August 14, Rear Admiral Karl Jessens Vladivostok Cruiser Squadron met a cruiser force led by Vice Admiral Kamimura Hikonojo off Ulsan. In the fighting, Jessen lost one ship and was forced to retire. The Russian Response Responding to these reverses and encouraged by his cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, Tsar Nicholas II ordered the creation of a Second Pacific Squadron. This would be composed of five divisions from the Russian Baltic Fleet, including 11 battleships. Upon arriving in the Far East, it was hoped that the ships would allow the Russians to regain naval superiority and disrupt Japanese supply lines. Additionally, this force was to aid in breaking the siege of Port Arthur before working to slow the Japanese advance in Manchuria until reinforcements could arrive overland via the Trans-Siberian Railroad. The Baltic Fleet Sails The Second Pacific Squadron sailed from the Baltic on October 15, 1904, with Admiral Zinovy Rozhestvensky in command. A veteran of the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878), Rozhestvensky had also served as Chief of the Naval Staff. Steaming south through the North Sea with 11 battleships, 8 cruisers, and 9 destroyers, the Russians were alarmed by rumors of Japanese torpedo boats operating in the area. These led to the Russians accidentally fired on a number of British trawlers fishing near Dogger Bank on October 21/22. This saw the trawler Crane sunk with two killed and four other trawlers damaged. Additionally, seven Russian battleships fired on the cruisers Aurora and Dmitrii Donskoi in the confusion. Further fatalities were only avoided due to the Russians poor marksmanship. The resultant diplomatic incident nearly led Britain to declare war on Russia and the battleships of the Home Fleet were directed to prepare for action. To watch the Russians, the Royal Navy directed cruiser squadrons to shadow the Russian fleet until a resolution was achieved. Route of the Baltic Fleet Prevented from using the Suez Canal by the British as a result of the incident, Rozhestvensky was forced to take the fleet around the Cape of Good Hope. Due to a lack of friendly coaling bases, his ships frequently carried surplus coal stacked on their decks and also met contracted German colliers to refuel. Steaming over 18,000 miles, the Russian fleet reached Cam Ranh Bay in Indochina on April 14, 1905. Here Rozhestvensky rendezvoused with the Third Pacific Squadron and received new orders. As Port Arthur had fallen on January 2, the combined fleet was to make for Vladivostok. Departing Indochina, Rozhestvensky steamed north with the older ships of the Third Pacific Squadron in tow. As his fleet neared Japan, he elected to proceed directly through the Tsushima Strait to reach the Sea of Japan as the other options, La Pà ©rouse (Soya) and Tsugaru, would have required passing to the east of Japan. Admirals Fleets Japanese Admiral Togo HeihachiroPrincipal Ships: 4 battleships, 27 cruisers Russians Admiral Zinovy RozhestvenskyAdmiral Nikolai Nebogatov11 battleships, 8 cruisers The Japanese Plan Alerted to the Russians approach, Togo, the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, began preparing his fleet for battle. Based at Pusan, Korea, Togos fleet consisted primarily of 4 battleships and 27 cruisers, as well as a large number of destroyers and torpedo boats. Correctly believing that Rozhestvensky would pass through the Tsushima Strait to reach Vladivostok, Togo ordered patrols to watch the area. Flying his flag from the battleship Mikasa, Togo oversaw a largely modern fleet which had been thoroughly drilled and trained. In addition, the Japanese had begun using high explosive shells which tended to inflict more damage than the armor-piercing rounds preferred by the Russians. While Rozhestvensky possessed four of Russias newest Borodino-class battleships, the remainder of his fleet tended to be older and in ill-repair. This was worsened by the low morale and inexperience of his crews. Moving north, Rozhestvensky attempted to slip through the strait on the night of May 26/27, 1905. Detecting the Russians, the picket cruiser Shinano Maru radioed Togo their position around 4:55 AM. The Russians Routed Leading the Japanese fleet to sea, Togo approached from the north with his ships in a line ahead formation. Spotting the Russians at 1:40 PM, the Japanese moved to engage. Aboard his flagship, Knyaz Suvorov, Rozhestvensky pressed on with the fleet sailing in two columns. Crossing in front of the Russian fleet, Togo ordered the fleet to follow him through a large u-turn. This allowed the Japanese to engage Rozhestvenskys port column and block the route to Vladivostok. As both sides opened fire, the superior training of the Japanese soon showed as the Russian battleships were pummeled. Striking from around 6,200 meters, the Japanese hit Knyaz Suvorov, badly damaging the ship and injuring Rozhestvensky. With the ship sinking, Rozhestvensky was transferred to the destroyer Buiny. With the battle raging, the command devolved to Rear Admiral Nikolai Nebogatov. As the firing continued, the new battleships Borodino and Imperator Alexander III were also put out of action and sunk. As the sun began to set, the heart of the Russian fleet had been destroyed with little damage inflicted upon the Japanese in return. After dark, Togo launched a massive attack involving 37 torpedo boats and 21 destroyers. Slashing into the Russian fleet, they relentlessly attacked for over three hours sinking the battleship Navarin and crippling the battleship Sisoy Veliki. Two armored cruisers were also badly damaged, forcing their crews to scuttle them after dawn. The Japanese lost three torpedo boats in the attack. When the sun rose the next morning, Togo moved in to engage the remnants of Nebogatovs fleet. With only six ships left, Nebogatov hoisted the signal to surrender at 10:34 AM. Believing this a ruse, Togo opened fire until the signal was confirmed at 10:53. Throughout the rest of the day, individual Russian ships were hunted and sunk by the Japanese. Aftermath The Battle of Tsushima was the only decisive fleet action fought by steel battleships. In the fighting, the Russian fleet was effectively destroyed with 21 ships sunk and six captured. Of the Russian crews, 4,380 were killed and 5,917 captured. Only three ships escaped to reach Vladivostok, while another six were interned in neutral ports. Japanese losses were a remarkably light 3 torpedo boats as well as 117 killed and 583 wounded. The defeat at Tsushima badly damaged Russias international prestige while signaling Japans ascent as a naval power. In the wake of Tsushima, Russia was forced to sue for peace.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Structure of Materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Structure of Materials - Essay Example The shaft calculations and analysis are done by analytical as well as finite element method in this paper. In addition, the results are compared between material specific product analysis and FEA results. Elasticity theory analysis shows that structures such as steel shaft have very high entropy. Most motor manufacturers use the knowledge of analysis to determine how durable is a shaft before considering incorporating it into the vehicle. for this reason, analytical methods along with theoretical researches has to focus on improved steel shaft durability under different loads running at various revolution rates. This paper analyses the steel through material specific product analysis and finite element analyses whereby it reveals that strain-time behavior under different loads and other complex stresses. Experimental data has proven to have an accuracy compared to the fine element predictions that are prone to some errors while predicting the lifetime of structures. It is observed that when the load to be driven by the shaft is 10 N, it will work for 18.2 hours. At a load of 50 N, working hours of the shaft decrease drastically to 4.1. Likewise, when the shaft at 3000 rpm drives a load of 150 N it will only work for 0.06 hours. From this, it is clear that the experimental data proves that different strain affects the life of the steel shaft. A graphical representation below shows that the shaft will not work under a certain load. Methods to analyze steel shafts used in motor vehicles demand for higher technical skills so as to perform intended function proving to be uneconomical. The material specific product design analysis uses incorporation of software to determine the life of shaft when operating under fatigue. Change in design and material of shaft can help in sustaining loads at various rates of revolution of motor engine. This is the only method to assure
Friday, November 1, 2019
Fair system of international trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Fair system of international trade - Essay Example However, the economic, legal and socio-political disparity in countries has created significant problems and challenges to such business thus making it difficult to continue with operations1. Different countries have different laws governing the operation of foreign businesses and this has been demonstrated to create inequality and unfairness in the market. Some laws favour domestic firms and make it difficult for the international companies and organisations to compete favourably with domestic firms. The existence of laws and political systems that favour one group as opposed to the other affect natural competitive advantage that organisations should gain in the market and bestow upon domestic markets undue advantage over the others. Apart from legal systems that affect operations of multinationals, other forms of inequalities exist that make it difficult to gain a completely free system devoid of legal, political and socio-economic interference. Although having a completely fair sy stem of trade seems far-fetched and utopian given the existing inequalities between countries, trade strategies employed by developed countries and huge global corporation can be fashioned in such a way as to allow a fairer system of trade. As such, it is not that a fairer system of trade cannot exist, but that the people, businesses and countries benefiting from the current system of trade do not want such a system to exist. As long as the economic and development interests of certain powerful countries come above the interest of other less powerful countries, such unfair trade will persist and the possibility of change for the better will seem not possible. Different countries in different parts of the world have different political and legal stages of development and maturity, which may differ with those of other countries. This affects the ability of other multinationals especially from developing countries to competitively conduct their business without facing the challenges of the legal and socio-economic systems. A number of factors make it impossible to gain a fair business environment in the global sphere and these majorly depend on the economic development and political maturity of the country2. Most developed countries have enacted laws that although are aimed to protect the interest of the citizens, affect the smooth development and operations of international trade around the world. International trade can only be complete if a country allows for free movement of goods and services as exports and imports. However, this is not the case in a number of countries including the United States and Canada who have enacted a number of legislations that make it impossible to achieve a fair trade system3. From 1930a, the United States has enacted a number of laws, which are aimed at eliminating or reducing the overall volume of international trade in the country by restricting the amount of goods that can be imported into the country. The enactment of the mu ltilateral trade agreement, the tariff act of 1984the omnibus trade act of 2988 and the antidumping act of 1921 made it impossible for multinationals to increase their operations by increasing imports into the country. The American legislations that have been used to protect the country and domestic firms from competition by multinationals has been widely viewed as being protectionist in nature and this increases unfair business practices in the global market4. Apart from the legal differences that do exist between countries, other factors such as the social aspects of a country affects the performance of foreign companies and give the domestic firms undue advantage. Citizens naturally feel at ease with products
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
International management 2 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
International management 2 - Term Paper Example TUI is the largest integrated tourism group in Europe, lagging far behind its competitors with a turnover of about â‚ ¬ 21,866 million and 70,200 employees in 2008. One of the unmatchable entrepreneurial landmarks of TUI is its continuous structural progress and upgrading services offered to worldwide customers. Contrary to its rivalry, TUI is very successful in both the tourism and shipping divisions because of its advanced attractive products and services as well as the expansion of new and strong brands. However, the performance of TUI has been affected badly due to ongoing war against terrorism, natural calamities, global recession and lack of customer confidence. Prior to 9/11, TUI had more dynamic growth from 1995 to 2001. Post 9/11 effects, really restricted the TUI’s expansion strategy especially in various countries of Asia. Since China is an emerging market, therefore TUI had planned a broad strategy but war in Afghanistan and its further effects in Pakistan, kept TUI to hold up its TUI China brand till 2006. In such political and military situations, ABC Tourism Company decided to launch its new branch in Greece instead of Asia. Before deciding about the Greece, ABC planned the following strategy. Greece is one of the leading tourism countries in Europe due to its quality of life, mild climate, low crime, comparatively low cost of living, competitive construction rates, and recreation facilities. TUI is the largest and No.1 Tourism Company in Europe and looking for to enhance its business horizon up to Greece which has been remained an attractive place for tourists throughout the history. Almost 16 million tourists visit this country each year. And it has a contribution of about 15% to the national GDP. Greece tourism industry is so stable and confident in its economic strength and potential that has spent huge money on its tourist attraction highlights like large scale
Sunday, October 27, 2019
FORD MOTORS PHILOSOPHY vs TOYOTA MOTORS PHILOSOPHY Introduction A manufacturing/production system consists of a conversion system, which transforms inputs into output. The way conversion is done depends upon the nature of product/service and the nature of demand for such product/service. Thus the types of production are broadly classified into two categories, the continuous and the intermittent. The first category is appropriate where large scale production is required and the second is suitable where demand is non-uniform and seasonal and the product is not standardized. Ford Motors, as it is poised for mass producing standardized automobiles, naturally embraced the continuous production system. This essay attempts to compare and contrast the production philosophies and systems adopted by Ford Motors during 1930s and Toyota Motor Company during recent times. As Kanigal, Robert [1997] laid the basis for the concept of assembly line, Henry Ford, adopted the concept in1914 with due consideration to Adam Smiths philosophy of division of labour. He over simplified the tasks which led to specialization and business success (William A. Levinson, 2009). On the other hand, Toyota, which emerged as a different socio-industrial system, ironically had its roots in Henry Fords philosophy (James P.Womack, Daniel T.Jones, Daniel Roos, 2007) However, TMC digressed from the traditional Detroit philosophy based on the concept of lean manufacturing and thus carved a niche for itself and grew to such an extent that the American automobile industry shook. Henry Fords Contribution Earlier, cars were a specialized luxury, available only to the elite. Fords mass production scheme made the automobile accessible for the common man even, by virtue of Fords vision, a car for every man. This philosophy got extended to the whole range of consumer products and services which came into the reach of every common man. Henry Fords team nurtured innovation in all the 4 Ps (Product, Process, Position and Paradigm) to happen concurrently. The T-Model, which Ford and his team evolved formed the basis for emergence of an altogether completely new realm of thinking as regards manufacturing, which resulted in elimination of need for skilled labour (Joe Tidd, John Bessant, 2009). Though the basic elements existed earlier, Fords success lay in synthesizing them into a new form. The philosophy encompassed not only assembly operations, but supply chain and logistical aspects also. Features of Ford System of Manufacturing Standardization of products, components, equipment, process, tasks and tasks of control. Time and work study, to identify the optimum conditions for carrying out a particular operation and job analysis, to break up the task into small, highly controllable and reproducible steps. Specialization of functions and tasks within all areas of operation .there was considerable narrowing and re-utilization of individual tasks and an extension of division of labor. Uniform output rates and systematization of the entire manufacturing process. Payments and incentive schemes based on results. Elimination of worker discretion and passing of control to specialists. Concentration of control of work into the hands of management within a bureaucratic hierarchy with extensive reliance on rules and procedures. The Toyota production philosophy The system of production which, though had its roots in that of Ford Motors, has evolved as a distinctive one with unique features such as lean manufacturing, is known as Toyota Production System [TPS]. Sakichi Toyoda, his son, Kiichiro Toyoda and Taiichi are the founders of Toyota Motors. The founders and the engineer, Taiichi Ohno are the ones who appreciated and embraced the concept of Lean Manufacturing, founded on the original concept, being, JIT production (Sorensen, 1956). The founders of Toyota based heavily on the work of Edward Deming and the literature written by Henry Ford. Lean manufacturing (Simon, 1996) concept was even seen during the times of Benjamin Franklin. The business success and opulence of Detroit drove the Toyota team to be inquisitive about witnessing the assembly line and mass production. When the Toyotan delegation visited the US, they were not impressed. The Toyotan philosophy (Shigeo, 1996) aims at rationalizing the design of the manufacturing process and so it envisages elimination of three elements, being overburden [muri], inconsistency [mura] and waste [muda]. This entails that the process is flexible enough to be free from stress as it is supposed to generate waste. The Toyota system identified seven types of wastes, popularly called the Seven Wastes. They are over-production, motion (of operator or machine), waiting (of operator or machine), conveyance, processing itself, inventory (raw material), and correction (rework and scrap) Of the three lapses, i.e. overburden, inconsistency and waste, the latter, muda, seems to dominate the thinking of man as they see the fruitful effects of TPS. Origin of the concept of TPS It is known that Toyota Motor Company has got its inspiration not from the Detroit Philosophy, but rather from their observations made on their visit to the US in 1950s. The Toyota delegation first visited the automotive plants of Ford Motor Company located in Michigan. But they convicted that many methods adopted by the industry leaders were not satisfactory or effective. Some of the lapses they identified were: large amounts of inventory on site, the way the work was performed in various departments uneven pattern, i.e., with intervention of waiting between one operation and another operation resulting in islands of idleness, re-work in huge quantities at the end of the process. Later, the Toyotan delegation visited Piggly-Wiggly, the supermarket and observed how inventory management was carried out. The supermarket maintained scanty amounts of stock sufficient to cater to the customers and its employees for a short duration, stocks were reordered and instantly replenished. This indicated an important dimension, i.e., eliminating the need to maintain huge stocks and it was all done just-in-time. Taking cue from this philosophy, many US businesses made a direct attack on high inventory levels but ended in fiasco. This was because the American businesses did not understand the underlying issues. A principle of maintaining low levels of inventory also implies that proper alignment should be made with the vendors such that they were in a position to supply materials and components just-in-time. A complete delineation with the entire supply chain is necessary. This important aspect was ignored by the American automobile industry. It cannot be achieved overnight. Toyotans admitted that it took 20 years for them to implement JIT programme. Tenets of Toyotan Philosophy CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Challenge: Work without challenge makes people indolent and lackadaisical and nonchalant. Kaizen: Capabilities, skills, efficiency and the like are not constant. They keep improving over time. Hence benchmarks need to be revised constantly. Innovativeness is a natural propensity. Genchi Genbutsu: Try to find the root cause before making correction of the apparent defects. RESPECT FOR PEOPLE Respect: Others must be respected. There should be mutual understanding and a readiness to accept responsibility to build mutual trust. Team work: Working together to achieve organizational and individual objectives through commitment. LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE Short-term goals are mere derivatives of the long-term ones and the former are dependent on the latter and hence, priority shall be given to pursue/revise long-term goals. THE RIGHT PROCESS PRODUCES THE RIGHT RESULTS Creation of a continuous process flow facilitates inherent problems to be apparent at surface. Lacunae, if any, will come to surface; unevenness in loading of work stations will be indicated. Adopting pull system of production prevents overproduction. Under pull system of production, production scheduling is not done for large scale manufacturing. Master production schedule is made based on the current orders on hand. Once these orders are processed, the production process is stalled and rescheduled upon receiving new orders. Thus, products are pulled out of the system by customers. As long as production goes, care should be taken to avoid unevenness of flow of the process. This requires every material, tool, equipment and labour to be readily available at the respective work station to avoid interruption. Defect to be nipped in the bud. This means that if the job on the assembly line or at a work center is found to be defective, the same cannot be passed to the next work station/center without being rectified of the defect. This gives two-fold advantage; first, all the output that comes out will be defect free and secondly, there is no need to invest on a quality assurance system. Line stopping Where, on an assembly line, if any defect is noticed by the operator[s], he is given discretion to stop the assembly line by means of a switch and hold it till the defect is rectified. Continuous improvement is based on standardization of operations/tasks and employee empowerment. Standardization of operations facilitates fixing benchmarks for employees and thereby provides for comparison of performance against benchmarks. Once they are met by the employees, the benchmarks will be revised. This way, performance and efficiency keep increasing year by year, leading to ever increasing performance and productivity. Visual control system: This system alarms the workers of any lapse or defect that my arise during the production process. When the system identifies a defect, it alarms the workers through visual devices. Using fool-proofed technology: The Toyotan philosophy calls for using equipment of proven technology to ensure a steady and uninterrupted flow of the process as well as to get the output of the desired quality. DEVELOPING PEOPLE AND PARTNERS ADDS VALUE TO THE ORGANIZATION Leaders should be developed from among the employees who relish the philosophy, understand it thoroughly and are willing to share it with others. Exceptional personnel and teams who imbibe and nurture the aspirations of the company should be developed. Network partners and suppliers by sharing expertise should be honored and challenging assignments should be given to help them improve. A SUSTAINED EFFORT TO RESOLVING ROOT PROBLEMS DRIVES ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING A personal involvement in a situation provides a thorough understanding of an issue. Decision making shall be done coolly through consensus, taking into consideration all possible options. Implementation shall be done quickly. This is based on the belief that collective wisdom is always superior to the individuals. Creating an environment in the organization so, that every employee indulges in learning things and improves performance on a sustained basis. This makes the whole organization, a learning organization. How Toyota Is Comparable To And Discernible From Ford Production Philosophy Toyota Relies on piece-meal style of production, i.e., produces only when there is pull from the customer Ford Whereas Ford manufactured in large scale to create stock based on estimated demand Nature of work Toyota Designed the work so, that workers had to be multi- skilled to perform complex tasks. Ford Over simplified complex operations such that workers needed low level skills Standardization Toyota Though was influenced by the writings of Edwards Deming and Henry Ford, was embarrassed on eye-witnessing the assembly lines of Ford Motors facilities in Michigan. Ford Could demonstrate business success through the policy of standardization of products, components, equipment, process and control. Pace of output Toyota production system was continual and produced in small quantities as each customer merited. No pile up of finished goods. Ford Held the policy of turning over at uniform pace to create huge pile up of stocks. Set up time cost Toyota Fundamentally designed for continual flow meriting frequent changeovers and set ups, but this could be offset by the extra costs of blocking capital in the form of huge pile up of stocks, characteristic of Ford Motors. Ford As the scheduling is done for continuous run, changeovers are less frequent and so, low set up time and cost. Workers discretion Toyota Allowed certain amount of discretion to workers on the assembly line such as empowering them to inspect the job for defects and to stall the flow on the assembly line to rectify the defect then and there and then let it go to the next work station to ensure zero defect situation and to eliminate the need of rework division. Ford Eliminated the scope for workers discretion to be used at the work place since each worker on the assembly line had to perform only a single task and the next task had to be done by the next worker. Workers had no authority to stop the flow of work as such, an incidence of defect is allowed to pass till the end of the process and the defective item is sent to rework division. Process design Toyota Focused on three criteria while designing its production system, i.e., overburden, inconsistency, and waste. These words are simple, but have far reaching effects. The last criterion is pivotal for the success of the company. The seven wastes concept indicates a treat amount of insight of the Toyotans and it is unique of Toyota. But, ironically, Toyotan inspiration is rooted in the writings of Edward Deming, who happens to be the American. The fun lies in the fact that American automobile industry did not pay heed to Demings philosophy, but non-Americans exhibited faith in it. Ford Bureaucratized as far as administration/control is concerned. All employees have to observe scalar chain and abide by the rules and procedures Long-term perspective in planning Toyota Ford Both companies look into far future. Developing people Toyota Promotes development of exceptional individuals and teams. Ford Does not focus on developing experts as it has over simplified the tasks, rather, workers might gain efficiency as they do the single task repeatedly. Pay and incentives Toyota Provides ample scope for personnel to grow as it nurtures innovation, employee participation and so on. Ford The policy is to pay and provide incentives based on results. Problem solving Toyota Employees are nurtured in such a culture that they address a problem through the root cause instead of taking a perfunctory look. Ford Employees are not trained along making deeper efforts in addressing problems. They used to leave the problem at perfunctory levels. Summary The world has witnessed a constant transformation as regards the automobile production/operations philosophy. The Fords mass production (produce to stock) philosophy received ample appreciation and was convicted to be the right path by most other manufacturers (1914). This has been evidenced by the way the Big Three, (Ford Motors, General Motors and Chrysler) flourished during early and mid 20th century. But the onset of Toyota production system, which is based on the philosophy of lean manufacturing, started sending tremors into the well complacent American automobile industrys regime. The principle of Toyota Motor Company (TMC) to eliminate wastes and subsequent TMCs success attracted other manufacturers who tried to copy, but in vain. They could not imitate the whole TMCs philosophy as it is.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Love in John Donnes A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning and Andrew Marv
Love in John Donne's A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning and Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress John Donne's "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" and Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress" both talk about love but has different views about it, one talks about physical love and the other talks about spiritual love. John Donne's "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" compared love to a circle while Andrew Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress" compared love to a straight line. Both poems are act of persuasions. "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" is persuading the reader that true love is eternal while "To His Coy Mistress" the speaker is persuading the mistress to make passionate sex with him. Therefore, with all of these similarities and differences, it's commendable to compare the two works of literature. "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" has a subtle theme of religion in itself particularly, Christianity in relation to life after death. The main theme of the poem is true love will continue on, even after death. Lines one through two illustrate the notion of afterlife. "As virtuous men pass mildly away, And whisper to their souls to go..." Essentially, it implies that we have souls, and souls are the immortal part of men (human beings). John Donne's notion that we have souls and there's life after death are presumably based on his Christian beliefs. Donne was born in England and raised by a prosperous Roman Catholic family. At the age of 42, Donne accepted ordination in the Angelican Church. He, then, became and earned a reputation as one of the greatest preachers (Abcarian and Klotz 1121). Donne was 60 years of age when he wrote the poem; presumably, he was still a preacher at the time. Therefore, his poem can be suggested as... ...ourning." Although the main central theme of the poems were directly opposite of each other, we can relate that physical love and spiritual love has a connection to each other. Physical love can turn to spiritual love or perhaps spiritual love can turn to physical love. At one point or another, we have experienced both physical and spiritual love. On the surface, we can say that spiritual love is a cut above physical love. However, it's hypocritical to say that we do not come into contact with emotions such as desire or lust. Therefore, physical love is at the same level as spiritual love. It is merely difficult to admit that we do experience lust because it is not something to be proud about. Social convention dictates that we should not feel lust. Moreover, lust is one of the seven sins. However, lust is a valid emotion that every one experience once in a while.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Understanding the Principles of Assessment
1. Understand the principles and requirements of assessment 1. Explain the functions of assessment in learning and development. Assessment is carried out to evaluate that learning has taken place. It measures the learner’s attainment of knowledge and skills in their particular learning area. Assessment encourages learners to ask questions on anything they have not fully understood, as learners know that they will have to prove their knowledge and understanding during assessment to the standards of the awarding body. The anticipated outcome of assessment is that the learner will complete assessment to City and Guild standards within the time frame stated, with no assistance and show through answering questions that they have full understanding of the subject. 2. Define the key concepts and principles of assessment. Assessment has to remain fair, consistent and valid to ensure all learners have an equal and fair chance of receiving a fair assessment. An assessor cannot be swayed to give a learner an easier assessment because they favour the learner. The assessment process may have to be adapted to be suitable to the learner’s needs but, needs to eventually lead to the same outcome. 3. Explain the responsibilities of the assessor. The role of the assessor is to assess the learner’s knowledge and performance in a range of tasks. This includes, ? Ensuring that the learner has demonstrated competence and knowledge in the assessment to the standard of City and Guilds criteria. ? Assessments need to be planned between the assessor and each learner; the learner needs to be fully aware of his/her responsibilities in the collection and presentation of evidence. The assessor then needs to observe the learners performance in their workplace or similar environment and can ask questions to confirm a learners understanding. ? Accurate and constructive feedback needs to be given to the learner whether they have passed the assessment or not. If the assessment has not been achieved the learner needs to be aware of why they did not achieve and how they can rectify this for the next time they are assessed. ? Records of the learner’s achievement must be kept up to date and be available for the learner to see. 4. Identify the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in own area of practice. As a tutor , I am required to discuss and set targets for the completion of tasks, units, skills development and observations to the City and Guild standards. This is to ensure the learner achieves their programme. I am responsible for the learners to complete the programme units with the time-scale stated by the awarding body, the time-scaled will initially be dictated by the Learning and Skills council but, learners will be assessed on an individual basis and time-scales adjusted to suit individuals. As an assessor I have to set challenging targets, record their progress against their targets in the learners individual learning plan (ILP), monitor their progress with every 4 or 8 week reviews in which progress is discussed and targets are agreed and set for learner to work towards. Once assessment begins I have to give learners clear and constructive feedback on their achievement and progress, learner progress is monitored through 1 to 1 .. Each learner has a portfolio logbook that records the learner’s competence against the standards for the qualification they are working towards. I have to ensure that the logbook is completed and kept up to date to show what progress has been made, and what areas of competence have yet to be achieved, this allows me, learner and visitor from the awarding body to easily track the learner’s progress. Once the learner has achieved their qualification, it is my responsibility to advise them of any further programmes they could do to develop their skills further. 2. Understand different types of assessment methods 1. Compare the strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods with reference to the needs of individual learners. | | | |Assessment Methods |Strengths |Limitations | |Observation of performance in the work |Authentic |Demanding on assessors time | |environment |Low disruption to candidates workplace |Travel | | |Assesses real life skills. Need co-operation from candidate’s | | |Could help in integrating assessment across|workplace. | | |outcomes and units. |Reliability may be hard to achieve. | |Examining products of work |Authentic |Time-consuming with large groups. | | |Showcases learner’s skills. | | |Clear feedback back can be given on the | | | |work | | |Questioning the learner |Can occur naturally out of an observation |Is difficult to manage with larger numbers | | |Non-threatening to the learner |of learners | |Can be offered to learners with additional |Due to the range of responses from | | |support needs |learners, reliability may be difficult to | | |May fill in gaps in the learners portfolio |achieve. | |of evidence | | |Discussing with the learner |Learner may feel less threatened. |Time-consuming with large numbers of | | |More one to one |learners. | | |Could help less confident learner. | |Use of others (witness testimony) |Others may see areas which are normally |Authenticity of testimony could be | | |difficult for assessors to observe |questionable | |Looking at learner statements |Builds confidence in the learner’s |Learners with additio nal learning needs may| | |capabilities. |find it difficult. | |Understand the standards they are working |Does not show the learners practical | | |to. |ability. | |Recognising prior learning |Gauge the learner’s knowledge of learning. |Prior learning could be to a higher/lower | | |Recognise if any additional learning needs |standard | | |maybe required. | | . Understand how to plan assessment 3. 1Summarise key factors to consider when planning assessment. Key factors that have to be taken into consideration when planning assessment are; †¢ Is learner ready? †¢ Suitable time †¢ Suitable model †¢ Convenient for workplace †¢ Suitable environment Is Learner Ready? To determine if the learner is ready for assessment, Assessment has to be planned between the assessor and each learner, together they must come up with a plan that will suit the learner’s employers and the unit the learner is to be assessed on. As an assessor you have to be flexible to accommodate the learner. Suitable model The learner has to ensure the correct model is selected for assessment the learner is planning to do. For the colour unit (GH9), all models must have been skin tested 24-48 hours before the application of colour; this is a requirement to ensure insurance is valid. The correct model must be chosen so the learner can be assessed on what they plan, for example; a short haired client would not be suitable for a long graduation assessment. Convenient for workplace. A good relationship has to be established between the assessor and the learners employers. The learners workplace needs to be aware of the learners progress throughout the course and when planning the assessment the assessor hs to contact the workplace to ensure it is a suitbale time for the learner to be assessed. Suitable place Observing the learner in their workplace is the most suitable place to assess the learner. Whilst in the workplace a holistic assessment is more likely to happen, as different units may also be assessed when the assessor only planned on one. . 2 Evaluate the benefits of using a holistic approach to assessment. An holistic assessment will make the learner feel comfortable and competent in their assessment as it gives the assessor the oppourtunity to see the learner in their workplace covering another unit or aspect of the learners course as it naturally happens. This could occur without the learner realising. An holistic approach will help the assessor to use their time more efficiently, as hopefully more assessment than planned will occur. . 3 Explain how to plan a holistic approach to assessment. The assessor has to take some responsibility for collecting and structuring evidence when planning an holistic approach to assessment, further evidence is collected through observation of the learner and questioning the learner. The learner can also collect evidence but, must be supported by the assessor. 3. 4Summarise the types of risks that maybe involved in assessment in own area of responsibility. The types of risks that maybe involved in assessment of my own area are high, it is important for the assessor and learner to ensure the assessment is carried out in a safe environment. Learners must adhere to their own salon procedures and insurance policies. When assessing a learner at their workplace the assessor would have to ensure it was safe to do so, before the planning of assessment the assessor would have to make sure the workplace had carried out a risk assessment, have health and safety certificates, liability insurance, a first aid box, fire extingushers and fire procedures. . 5Explain how to minimise risks through the planning process. Risks will be minimised through the planning process by making sure the learner is complying with the worksplaces in-house policies (each salons policies will differ) and local by laws. The assessor must follow their policy and procedures when planning the assessment. The learner can be questioned on any of the policy and procedures and t he learner has to be able to explain them. 4. Undertand how to involve learners and others in assessment. 4. Explain the importance of involving the learning and others in the assessment process. It is important to involve the learner and others in the assessment process so that the learners and employers know the progress of the learner and what the learner still has to achieve. If the employers know the learners know the learners progress they are more likely to encourage and motivate the learner, the employer may make time to train with the learner or let the learner observe other stylists work which will expand the learners skills and understanding. Knowing the learners progress, employers may be able to observe a specific piece of evidence that has not occurred when the assessor has been present, when the assessor does visit the workplace the employers could provide the assessor with a witness testimony of the evidence they observed. 4. 2 Summarise types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process. Documentation Log books are given to each learner once registered on the course and are available to the learner and others and provide useful means of assessing the progress of the learners achievement and performance. The log book documents the learners ability to carry out a range of tasks. This document works well for the assessor to minitor progress and any areas the learner may require more guidance. Log books are alos checked by the internal verifier once a unit is completed, to ensure everything is completed to the standards, also the log book may be sampled by an external verifier. Policies Policies are necessary to ensure learners and others know what is expected and what they have to achieve to gain the qualification. All learners will work against the same policies so each learner has to meet the same requirements to complete the qualification. Procedure Procedures are in place for learners and others to follow, each assessment follows the same procedure and cannot be amended. Assessors work is sampled by IV’s to ensure each learner is being treat equally and fairly and that the assessment is following the standards procedure. Skills analysis Learners and others need to be aware of the learners skills, so guidance and further teaching can be given to the learner to pass assessment. If the learners has not passed assessment this is documented with constructive critism and help on areas the learner has missed. By keeping a record the learner can check and practice the skills. . 3Explain how peer and self-assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of learning. to promote learner involvement a tracking grid is used for each individual learner. The tracking grid is for the learner to keep a record of their own progress on what they have practiced in salo n, this encourages the learner’s development of skills as they can track what they need to practice and when they will be ready for assessment. Learners also reflect on what they have done, learnt and what they can learn from after each session by completing an end of day form. The learners have to state what they have learnt, what they enjoyed the most and least and anything they have achieved in the session, there is also spave for the assessor/tutor to make comment on what they learner has done, these forms are filed and can be used for learners to reflect on. Learners are to approach the assessor once they feel ready to be assessed, the assessor has to advise the learner to look through the criteria of the unit the learner wants to be assessed on and the learner is to decide if they feel they can meet the criteria. If the assessment id not achieved feedback is a must, by asking the learner ‘how they felt it went’ will encourage the learner to analyse their work and reflect on what they could do better next time to achieve the assessment. 4. 4 Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners. An assessor is the hairdressing sector would have to be flexible to fit in with the salons opening times. Many salons are closed Mondays but, open Saturdays. In order to assess a learner it may require the assessor to work when they normally have a day off, work later or start earlier. If a learner was particularly shy the assessor may have to go at quieter times in the salon to carry out an assessment, if it is a busy salon the assessor has to ensure they do not get in the way whilst doing assessment. 5. Understand how to make assessment decisions. 5. 1Explain how to judge whether evidence is:- Sufficient A performace criteria is stated in each learners log book for each unit within the NVQ qualification. The learner must achieve the stated outcomes to have sufficient evidence to meet the requirements. Authentic The learner is watched by the assessor from start to finish of the assessment to ensure outcomes are met and assessment is completed with the time scale stated by the standards. Current All assessments are recorded in the learners logbook, which is completed by the assessor dating and signing to confirm assessment has been achieved, the learner also signs the log book. Dating the log book ensures assessments are current. 5. Explain how to ensure that assessment decisions are:- Made against specified criteria The outcomes in the logbook for each unit ensure that the assessment decision is made against the specified criteria and that the learner is working to City and Guild standards. Valid To ensure the assessment is valid, the assessor has to ensure that the learner is being assessed against the correct standards. For example; if a learner was being assessed on styling hair (G H10), the assessor would not use change hair colour (GH9) standards to assess the learner against. Reliable By following the standards set by City and Guild for each assessment, it ensures that the same result will be achieved. Fair By following the standards all assessments are fair. An assessors personal feelings about the learners cannot cloud cloud the assessors judgement. 6. Understand quality assurance of the assessment process. 6. 1Evaluate the importance of quality assurance in the assessment process. A trainee assessor is observed by an internal verifier, at Woodspeen Christopher Pauls, assessors are given 5 days notice before the observation. The observations take place to ensure assessors are working to the same standards and that assessments are being completed correctly. The IV will also have interviews will the learners to see how they are learning and interacting with their assessor, this gives the learners to air any grievances they may have which they may have not wanted to discuss with their assessor. An IV will go through the learners logbook after the learner has been on the course for 6 months, this is to ensure that the assessors accupational competence is up to date. The IVwill give feedback to the assessor verbally and written. The IV can sample the log book at anytime and will go through the whole log book again once the learner has completed. At Woodspeen Christopher Paul all assessors attend a standardisation meeting in which the assessors are split into small groups and given the same unit to work through and assess. The assessors then discuss their findings and work together so all assessors come to the same outcome, so all assessors is working to the same standards. 6. Summarise quality assurance and standardisation procedures in own area of practice. To ensure trainee assessors are correctly assessing they will be observed by the IV every 3 months, trainee assessor also have 100% sampling/counter signing which takes place initially and all assessment decisions will be countersigned by qualified assessors. Any problems that are identified during sampling the IV will follow up with discussion/training with the assessor involed. All evidence sampled in the log book is initialled in red by the IV, all feedback will be kept and dated for EV’s. All these actions are taken to ensure every assessor is working to the standards set by the awarding body, ensuring there is standardisation within the assessors. 6. 3Summarise the procedures to follow when there are disputes concerning assessment in area of practice. Every learner has the right to a fair assessment process, if the learner feels that they have been treated unfairly they have the right to appeal the decision. There is a NVQ appeal procedure in line with the awarding body requirements and NVQ code of practice which must be followed. The learner must first approach the centre lead internal verifier, if not resolved then to the centre manager, if the learner is still not happy with the outcome it will then be referred to the awarding body who will pursue the matter with the external or lead verifier. Assessment decision unfair Report to the internal verifier within 10 days Internal verifier to investigate within 10 days If problem not resolved it will be passed to centre co-ordinator who will give a decision within 10 days or within a time scale that has allowed for full investigation of the complaint If still not resolved it will be passed to the awarding body within 10 days The final decision will rest with the awarding body. 7. Understand how to manage information relating to assessment. 7. 1Explain the importance of following procedures for the management of information relating to assessment. It is important to follow procedures when managing information relating to assessment to ensure all assessors are working to the NVQ standards. All information collected during assessment must be kept up to date and and follow the policies and procedures of the awarding body. This information should be available to learners and others to see at any point. Following procedures in the assessment process enables internal and external verifiers track the work of the learners and sample work of the assessor to ensure everything is being done to the company and awarding body standards. 7. 2Explain how feedback and questioning contribute to the assessment process. The assessment process is to plan, assess, give feedback and develop. Firstly, the assessor and the learner must come up with a plan for assessment, the assessor will write up the planned assessment plan before assessment begins, the learner is then assessed through observation and the assessor asking relevant questions, once assessment is completed feedback needs to be given to the learner from the assessor, if the learner has achieved the assessment feedback still needs to be given on what the learner did really well on anything they could still improve on and then a plan is made between the assessor and learner on what the assessor would like to see next assessment and how the learner can achieve and develop their skills for this. If the learner has not achieved the assessment constructive cristism is given to the learner, the feedback will be what they didn’t achieve on, what they did well and what they need to do to imporove, the learner will also be given a plan on what they need they need to complete to enable the learner to achieve asses sment next time. The learners are given a 2 week period before they are assessed again to develop their skills. 8. Understand the legal and good practice requirements in relation to assessment. 8. 1Explain legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welfare.
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