Thursday, December 26, 2019
An avowed nationalist, who had impact on the American...
An avowed nationalist, who had impact on the American dream, Theodore Roosevelt brought presidency and nation into the twentieth century. (Theodore) Theodore Roosevelt was the twenty sixth president of the United States, a president that had great impact in politics. He was born into a rich family, and he suffered from asthma during his childhood (United States. National Park service). He studied at Harvard University, and the Columbia law school (United States. National Park service 2). He attended the New York Assembly, which was his first step in to politics (Hall of Governors). At the time of the Spanish American war, he helped create a group called the Rough Riders, and was elected to be the governor of New York. (Hall of†¦show more content†¦This allowed funds from the Western public lands to be used on dams and irrigation in the arid, dry land in the Western areas (Theodore Roosevelt on Film 1). The act was a success because of the effect it brought, it affected the w estern part of United States by allowing a better agricultural condition, and in the process of building the dams and irrigation, many jobs were created which helped people in poverty or in hard situation to earn money (Theodore Roosevelt on Film 2). In October of 1902, Theodore Roosevelt also intervened in a labor dispute between the United Mine Workers and the coal industry, the first time a president has done so (Theodore Roosevelt on Film 3). He pressured the industry to meet and settle with the workers and threatened to send in troops to seize operation of the mines (Theodore Roosevelt on Film 4). This protected the rights of workers in mines, and by these kinds of acts, Theodore Roosevelt shaped the American dream by creating better workplace conditions for many groups. Next, Theodore Roosevelt also put his attention in how the economy was going on. He soon figured that there were a lot of rich people at the time who owned companies with lots of workers working there. Theodore Roosevelt said in a paper sent to congress stating, the people of this country continue to enjoy great prosperity (Roosevelt ). Undoubtedly there will be ebb and flow in such prosperity, and this ebb and flow
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Information On Promotional Opportunities Advertisements
Information on promotional opportunities. †¢ Advertisements: many gyms center allegation hilarious fees for the first time random visiting and when someone makes an examination at gym and proposal new consumer a free 5 times to visit pan to come down and attempt the facilities. †¢ Client functions: when exercise, player practice with expert and will receive the experiences from experts such as consideration demand, attitudes, tasks, special competences and liability, as well as practice with expert who will not arrive to personal related which accident the formation and allowance of experiences credit. For example: during the practice period time, player should not be under the command of alcohol or drug which negative impact the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Productlaunches: during day’s follows event, it is important that conduct the energy for new production. Results with target groups and command those who displayed excite in the production. On the other hand, timing a release can mean almost the difference between achievement and collapse. Therefore, stay aware of the best and worth times of the year to release production. For example: the Christmas and New Year months are ambitious because almost people are on vacation. †¢ web pages: shows almost information that relate and also the processes of these course existed in business and the advantage of images or pictures details condition to build an quality connection by combined valuable, afford free tips and advantageous information and as well as shows directly google maps for someone who easier to find the location. A statement of your research objectives/hypotheses. This research report aims to identify the fitness industry’s John’s Gym This research is to find out the opportunity for John’s Gym to join into the fitness industry. As per the industry report, it can tell there’s an intensive competition among the industry over 50% of the market is shared by large franchise company. A research will be conducted in order to help the company to make up an effective marketing plan and help the company to positioning themselves into a most advantage position in the market. Base on the research, a marketing plan is to be made for below objectives: - Providing
Monday, December 9, 2019
Intercultural Communication in Global Business †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Intercultural Communication in Global Business. Answer: Introduction: Intercultural communication can be defined as the kind of communication by means of which the people or individuals from various diverse cultural backgrounds communicate with each other (Carbaugh 2013). It is significant to note that during the conduct of business the various business organizations often come a situation when they need to conduct with people or business organizations belonging to various diverse cultural or ethical backgrounds (Washington, Okoro and Thomas 2012). It is precisely here that the process of intercultural communication becomes very significant. The advent of globalization and the growth of trade and commerce across the frontiers of the different nations have made the process of intercultural communication one of the primary tools which the various business organizations often take the help of in order to effectively conduct their business across the different nations (Neuliep 2012). It is significant to note that the various business organizations when co nducting business with the various individuals or business organizations with people or business organizations from various other nations need to make certain adaptations regarding the way they communicate and behave with others in a bid to effectively conduct their business with the business organizations or people belonging to other business organizations or people belonging to other nations (Washington, Okoro and Thomas 2012). This essay intends to analyze the process of intercultural communication and its various related precepts. Mary is an Australian who hails from a family which has always in love with food and the food industry. Her mother and other family members from the early phases of their lives had been in love with food and the food industry and they even used to prepare foods and present them as gifts to their relatives as well as friends. Therefore, it was quiet natural for Mary to develop that love for food and food industry. Thus, when she grew up she opened her own small business which specializes in the manufacture a variety of condiments. It is significant to note that The Aroma Shop and a small factory in Wagga Wagga and the specialty of which is that they do not take the use of artificial preservatives for the preparation of the food item. In addition to that, the small business of Mary provides a range of products to the customers like chilli sauces, pastes, chutneys and jams. The business of Mary is doing reasonably good in the nation of Australia however following the path of globalizati on she now wants to expand her business in the nation of China and for the achievement of this particular purpose she has arranged for an official meeting with Mr. Lau, a Chinese business around 55 years old. It is significant to note that Mary is confused as regards the approach she should take regarding the meeting with Mr. Lau as she has never conducted any business dealings with the Chinese people but knows that their culture as well as way of conducting business is drastically different from the approach followed by the Australian people. The culture as well as the way of conducting the business of the Chinese people is starkly different from the way of the other nations as well as the other cultures (House 2014). A cultural graph of the nation of China as per the Hofstedes Models of Culture would reveal the following facts The above figure clearly indicates that the Chinese people like to indulge in group activities instead of individual work which is clearly shown by the lower level of individualism on the graph. Furthermore, the masculinity section of the graph is moderate which means that the Chinese people are likely to more driven by the concepts of competition, success as well as achievement which as a matter of fact forms the core values of all their business organizations (Hofstede Insights 2018). Moreover, the high score on the power distance section indicates that not all people in the nation of China are equal and there is a division of power in the society of China as per the ranks and the position held by them (Hofstede Insights 2018). The lower score on the uncertainty avoidance section is an indicative of the fact that the Chinese people use ambiguous and that the words or the language used by them have a different connotation than their surface meaning (Hofstede Insights 2018). The high score on the long-term orientation is an indicative of the fact that the Chinese culture is a very pragmatic one and the people in the society believe that truth depends very much on situation, context and time(Hofstede Insights 2018). Lastly, the considerably low score on the indulgence section is an indicative of the fact that the society of China is a very restrained one and the people in the nation of China have a tendency to cynicism and pessimism and display a controlled gratification of their desires (Hofstede Insights 2018). Mary hails from the nation of Australia and the culture as well as the way of transacting the business in the nation of Australia is slightly different from the other nations of the world. A cultural analysis of the nation of Australia as per the Hofstedes Model of Culture is represented. The above figure clearly that the power distance in the society of Australia is very low whereas the individualism in the society is very high (Hofstede Insights 2018). Furthermore, the masculinity of the Australian people is also high just like the indulgence section (Hofstede Insights 2018). However, the uncertainty avoidance and the long-term orientation in the society of Australia are comparatively low (Hofstede Insights 2018). Therefore, from the above two graphs it becomes clear that the cultures of Australia and China are different from each and thus to make her meeting with the Chinese business Mr. Lau, Mary will have to make certain alterations in her approach as well as the way she has been conducting her business in the nation of Australia. The first alteration which she needs to make is the way she has been greeting her clients (Martin and Nakayama 2015). It is significant to note that the Australian people use very casual language for the purposes of greeting however the Chinese people on the other hand are very formal when it comes to greetings when conducting a business deal (Martin and Nakayama 2015). Furthermore, the individualism quotient of the people is high in comparison to the same in the nation of China. Therefore, she will have to focus more on the concept group of group rather than on individual work (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). Furthermore, the power distance in the society of Australia is very low whereas the power distance in the society of China is very high. This implies that there is an unequal distribution of power in the society and therefore she will have to address as well as treat the people as per their ranks and power (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). This is something which is starkly different from the culture and the society of Australia in which she is used to conducting her business (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). Furthermore, the masculinity index of the society of China is higher than the masculinity index of Australia which means that she will to focus more on the various precepts of competition, success and achievement (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). Moreover, the indulgence quotient of the society of China is very low in comparison to the same in the society of Australia (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). Thus, she will have to take into account the restrained society and culture of China and approach Mr. Lau accordingly. The long-term orientation of the society of China is higher than that of Australia and thus she will have to adopt a pragmatic approach towards the meeting which she is intending to have with the Chinese businessman Mr. Lau (Kankaanranta and Lu 2013). These in short are some of the adaptations which Mary needs to take into consideration for her meeting with the Chinese businessman Mr. Lau which will enable her to expand her business in the nation of China. To conclude, it becomes evident that intercultural communication forms an important part of the entire process of communication and also the business operations of the various business organizations. It is significant to note that the various business organizations take the help of this particular kind of communication method to communicate in a more effective manner with the business organizations from different nations with diverse cultural backgrounds. The concept of intercultural communication gained popularity with the advent of the concept of globalization and is considered one of the most important precepts of the concepts of globalization. Therefore, to conduct their business effectively in the different nations of the world the various business organizations take the help of this particular kind of communication to effectively negotiate with the other business organizations in the nations with which they are trying to have business relationships. References Carbaugh, D. ed., 2013.Cultural communication and intercultural contact. Routledge. Hofstede Insights. 2018.Australia - Hofstede Insights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2018]. Hofstede Insights. 2018.China - Hofstede Insights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2018]. House, J., 2014. Moving across languages and cultures in translation as intercultural communication. InTranslational action and intercultural communication(pp. 14-46). Routledge. Kankaanranta, A. and Lu, W., 2013. The evolution of English as the business lingua franca: Signs of convergence in Chinese and Finnish professional communication.Journal of Business and Technical Communication,27(3), pp.288-307. Martin, J.N. and Nakayama, T.K., 2015. Reconsidering intercultural (communication) competence in the workplace: A dialectical approach.Language and Intercultural Communication,15(1), pp.13-28. Neuliep, J.W., 2012. The relationship among intercultural communication apprehension, ethnocentrism, uncertainty reduction, and communication satisfaction during initial intercultural interaction: An extension of anxiety and uncertainty management (AUM) theory.Journal of Intercultural Communication Research,41(1), pp.1-16. Neuliep, J.W., 2017.Intercultural communication: A contextual approach. Sage Publications. Washington, M.C., Okoro, E.A. and Thomas, O., 2012. Intercultural communication in global business: An analysis of benefits and challenges.The International Business Economics Research Journal,11(2), p.217.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Last Frontier Of The United States Was A Great Time Period Where A
The last frontier of the United States was a great time period where Americans and immigrants from around the world came and settled for new land. It was a time where the federal government encouraged western settlement and economic exploitation. The United States of America came of age after the civil war. In a period of less than fifty years, it was transformed from a rural republic to an urban state. The frontier had vanished. Great factories and steel mills, transcontinental railroad lines, flourishing cities, vast agricultural holdings marked the land. And in them came accompanying evils: monopolies tended to develop, factory working conditions were poor, cities developed so quickly that they could not properly house or govern their teeming populations, factory production sometimes outran practical consumption. The American frontier was an escape and a place of hope for those willing and able to take their futures into their own hands. In the United States the frontier moved in stages, beginning with the Eastern settlements, the original 13 colonies. After the American Revolution, the pioneers gradually crossed the Appalachians and went into the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys, then, in the mid-19th century, across the Mississippi. Settlement did not proceed directly across the continent, however. Most of the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountain regions were temporarily bypassed in the rush to get to California. The rush was for gold, and the Mexican War had given California, along with the whole Southwest, to the United States. Settlement was spurred by the Homestead Act of 1862 which granted free farms of 160 acres to citizens who would occupy and improve the land. By 1880, nearly 56,000,000 acres was and found their way into private hands. Going to the west was a very hard thing to do since people didn't know what was out there. Since the beginning of white settlement in America, the Indians had given way befo re the advancing cabins of the pioneer farmers. The states wanted the Indians removed from their borders. White farmers and land speculators demanded their land. White communities feared having Indian tribes as neighbors. Under the Removal Act of 1830, Congress offered to buy the lands of tribes living in the settled states east of the Mississippi and to give them new land in the West. The Indians of the Plains were persuaded to admit the tribes moved from the East. An Indian Bureau was established to look after their needs. Troops were sent to guard the frontier. The government made treaties with the tribes as sovereign nations. It granted them land forever as long as the grass shall grow and the waters run. These promises were not kept. Once the notion of the American Desert was found to be largely a myth, white travelers, traders, and settlers began following the overland trails into the West. The government did not keep them out of the lands given to its Indian wards. Friction a nd warfare between the two peoples followed After the indian war was done miners had ranged over the whole of the mountain country, tunneling into the earth, establishing little communities in Nevada, Montana, and Colorado. Cattlemen, took advantage of these enormous grasslands, had laid claim to the vast region stretching from Texas to the upper Missouri River. Sheepmen, too, had found their way to the valleys and mountain slopes. Then the farmers swarmed into the plains and valleys and closed the gap between the east and west. By 1890, the frontier had disappeared. Five or six million men and women now farmed where buffalo had roamed only two decades before. Speeding the process of colonization were the railroads. In 1862, Congress voted a charter to the Union Pacific Railroad, which pushed its track westward from Council Bluffs, Iowa. At the same time, the Central Pacific began to build eastward from Sacramento, California, toward an undetermined junction point. The whole country was stirred as the two lines steadily approa ched each other, finally meeting on May 10, 1869, at Promontory Point in Utah. The transportation between East and West was improved when the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads met in Utah. The importance of the wagon trails soon began to diminish. Twenty years later irrigation ditches were
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