Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Demand For Electricity
Interest For Electricity Presentation In the event that future interest for power is to be coordinated by satisfactory gracefully, at that point it is fundamental that models are worked for evaluating precisely, what the future interest for power is probably going to be. So as to achieve this, it is essential that the components influencing power request are plainly indentified and measured. It is much progressively pivotal on account of vitality businesses since, future vitality request requires speculation spending today (because of their colossal capital venture necessity and long lead time).[1] as it were, in the event that a nation should think little of its future power request, at that point it would no doubt not make sufficient capital interest in the here and now which would then bring about a deficiency of power gracefully (when contrasted with request) later on. One of the most persuasive elements influencing the interest for power is the cost of electricity.[2] The cost of power has since been joined into most of power request models.[3] This paper attempts to analyze the impacts of the cost of power in the UK on its own power request. The concentration here is to decide the value flexibility of interest for the period 1980-2008 (yearly time arrangement information) by the utilization of a loglinear relapse model. The examination paper will take the accompanying arrangement. Part one is the presentation, section two will be the writing audit, part three will concentrate on the demonstrating approach and information examination and section four will be the end and discoveries. Writing REVIEW Value Elasticity As indicated by financial hypothesis there is a converse connection between the cost of vitality and the amount of vitality requested. As vitality costs rise the amount of vitality requested falls and the other way around. Given that every single other factor are held constant[4]. Monetary hypothesis further hypothesizes that the interest for vitality isn't as receptive to the adjustments in vitality costs when contrasted with different wares that are progressively receptive to their individual prices[5]. Business analysts characterize value versatility as purchasers affectability to value changes or the level of responsiveness of changes in amount requested to changes in costs and is given by the recipe beneath as: Since value versatility is the proportion of two rates, we in this manner don't communicate it in any unit. Value flexibilities are generally negative this is because of the backwards connection among request and cost. Request versatilities are mostly of two sorts which are; flexible and inelastic. On the off chance that the estimations of versatility of interest fall inside the total estimations of 0 to 1 at that point request is supposed to be inelastic and this can be deciphered along these lines as an adjustment in value brings about a not exactly proportionate change in amount requested. Then again if the estimations of versatility of interest equivalents to the total estimation of one or over one, at that point request is supposed to be flexible. For the situation where flexibility of interest is equivalent to the outright estimation of 1, it is deciphered as; an adjustment in value prompts a proportionate change in amount requested. On the off chance that the versatility of in terest is more prominent than the outright estimation of 1 then it is deciphered in this manner as: an adjustment in value brings about an in excess of a proportionate change in amount requested. For instance in the inelastic range, if cost increments by 10 percent on an item with a value flexibility of - 0.3 then the interest for the great falls by just 3 percent. Be that as it may, on account of the flexible range, a product with a flexibility of - 2.0 would confront a fall sought after of 20 percent, if cost somehow managed to increment by 10 percent. This relationship can be additionally outlined in the figure beneath. Figure 1: Relationship of flexibly and request with two interest bends Figure 1 shows a gracefully bend (S1) and two interest bends which have various versatilities of interest (D1 and D1). D1 is more versatile than D1 (for example less more extreme). At balance, the gracefully bend S1, with both interest bends D1 and D1, have a typical harmony cost and amount at P1 and Q1.Now, let us currently accept that the flexibly bend movements to one side because of state an expansion in the expense of creation (for example the cost of coal used to create power). At that point, the new harmony point will rely upon the idea of the interest bend that is utilized as appeared in figure 2. On the off chance that the interest bend is moderately versatile at (D1), at that point costs will rise and request will fall by an a lot bigger sum when contrasted with the more inelastic interest bend (D1). Note here that with the inelastic interest bend, the cost and amount requested (P2 and Q2) are a lot bigger than on account of an increasingly versatile interest bend at (P2 an d Q2). In all actuality this can be clarified by the way that, in the event that the interest for a product is inelastic, at that point, any expansion in costs (for instance age costs as referenced above) can undoubtedly be given to the shoppers absent a lot of decrease in gracefully, thus the bigger cost. Then again in the event that the interest for the product were to be flexible, at that point just an a lot littler part of the cost increment would be given to the buyer. Figure 2: Shows the impacts of a move in the Supply Curve We can likewise observe the impacts of a move in the interest bend on cost and amount. On the off chance that we expect that request bends were to move outward to one side (for example increments) from (D1 to D2) and (D1 to D2) while gracefully is held steady then with an increasingly flexible interest bend the balance cost and amount (P2 and Q2) would be a lot of lower than if request somehow managed to be inelastic (for example P2 and Q2). Figure 3: Effects of a move in the Demand Curve From the three above representations it is very evident that the subsequent effect of changes in flexibly or request on balance cost and amount will shift in understanding to the idea of item flexibility. Value versatilities can be utilized to show how shopper request reacts to changes in cost just as the straightforwardness at which people can switch over to a substitute, when item costs go up. A shopper who has a fixed pay has three alternatives of reacting to value changes for the time being; (a the buyer can switch over to a substitute; b) they can buy less of the product with no extra acquisition of a substitute; or (c the individual in question can in any case purchase a similar amount of good while decreasing their utilization of different items that make up their absolute consumption. On account of power the degree at which it tends to be subbed is restricted. Power can be utilized principally for warming, helping or a wide scope of electric apparatuses, for example, (PCs, TVs, printers, irons and so forth.). On account of warming, a shopper may substitute the utilization of power for flammable gas (and on account of less created nations may even substitute it for it for lamp oil or kindling). In any case, the buyer likewise has the choice of exchanging over to a machine that utilizes a more vitality moderating source. For end uses, for example, power gracefully for TVs, power has no substitutes. The customer likewise has the alternative of buying a progressively productive TV and keeping up a similar degree of administration while utilizing less power. Supplanting machines, for example, TVs may include the difference in a moderately costly apparatus and as such would set aside some effort to do as such. Since, this will include a first introductory capital expens e which thusly relies upon the pay of the buyer, recurrence of pay installment and installment of bills plans and so on. The timeframe required by customers to substitute a generally costly machine in light of higher vitality costs is normally alluded to as the since quite a while ago run change timespan. On this the premise of this examination, it is normal that the value versatility of interest is typically inelastic in the short run and increasingly flexible over the long haul. This is on the grounds that in the short run the purchasers choices of reacting to higher power costs are constrained for example he is confined to responses, for example, lessening their degree of machine use (for instance running the warmer for lesser hours of the day) or decreasing his use on different products to keep up a similar degree of power utilization. Over the long haul be that as it may, his alternatives of reacting to high vitality costs are expanded contrasted with the choices he had in the short run. Over the long haul the purchaser can completely react to value changes by the acquisition of machines that are progressively effective or potentially the acquisition of apparatuses that utilization a less expensive vitality source. That is the reason over the long haul versatilities incline towar d a more flexible range than in the short run. Prior Literature on Price Elasticity of Electricity Demand Prior writing on power request has uncovered that the value flexibility of interest for power is moderately inelastic in the short run and will in general be generally increasingly versatile over the long haul. The past works composed on value flexibility of interest are considerably an excessive amount to be completely examined in this examination. Along these lines we will concentrate on just the synopsis of a couple. Taylor (1975) thought of one of the main writings on power request studies. In the wake of completing audits on different existing investigations of business, mechanical and private power request, he detailed the accompanying: (an on account of private interest for power, momentary value flexibility extended from - 0.13 to - 0.90 while since a long time ago run value versatilities ran from almost 0 to - 2.0. On account of business request, value flexibilities were esteemed at - 0.17 for the short run and - 1.36 for the long run[7]. Boone kamp (2007) utilizing the base up model on a yearly information arrangement for the period 1990-2000 detailed that the family unit long haul value flexibility went from - 0.09 to 0.13[8]. Pouris (1987) led an investigation for the flexibility of interest for power for South Africa utilizing information for the period (1950-1983) and established that the drawn out value versatility of power interest for the period was - 0.90.[9] Bjoner
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Security and Privacy Issues in Predictive Analytics †Free Samples
Question: Talk about the Security and Privacy Issues in Predictive Analytics. Answer: Innovation Description Prescient Analytics is a branch inside cutting edge examination used to make expectations about future occasions that are as yet obscure. Prescient examination utilizes a few procedures including measurements, information mining, AI, displaying, just as AI (man-made reasoning) to break down present information and make forecasts concerning what's to come. Prescient investigation utilizes different prescient demonstrating, information mining, and examination procedures to unite data innovation, the board, and business displaying procedures to make future forecasts. The innovation takes a shot at the premise of value-based and recorded information that are utilized for purposes, for example, distinguishing future dangers or recognizing future chances. Models utilized in prescient investigation catch connections among a few factors in order to survey dangers utilizing a particular arrangement of conditions to dole out loads or scores (Waller Fawcett 2013). Business clients, using content examination, information mining, just as insights case prescient knowledge through the revealing of connections and examples in both unstructured and organized information. Organized information, for example, sexual orientation, age, conjugal status, and deals, can be promptly utilized for prescient examination. Unstructured information, for example, online networking content, content information in call focus data/notes, assumption, for example, those in internet based life or open content that must be separated are additionally utilized for prescient investigation during the time spent model structure (Umachandran Ferdinand-James 2017). Utilizing prescient examination, associations become forward looking, proactive, and envision practices and results dependent on information and not on presumptions or just hunches. The outcome is better dynamic and arranging, which in addition to other things give upper hands to the association (Rickman Cosenza 2007) . Innovation Solution Assessment While prescient investigation enormously causes organizations, for example, to get ready for the future for instance in anticipating future interest, utilization designs among various age gatherings, and conceivable new items, it accompanies dangers, particularly with respect to shopper information and data (Crawford Schultz 2014). To accomplish prescient examination, associations unavoidably should utilize purchaser information, for example, client sexual orientation, age, and conclusions in internet based life in which case both organized and unstructured information is utilized for prescient investigation. Large information is, and keeps on conveying gigantic potential for altering individuals' lives through prescient force for instance, it is conceivable to precisely foresee climate to 95% exactness 48 hours before the time (Murphy 2015). The sheer sizes of individuals that have been associated with security occurrences of enormous information, the stakes are significantly higher . For example, the penetrate of eBay information in 2014 brought about a break to individual data for 145 million individuals whose email and places of residence just as birth dates were uncovered/penetrated (Finkle, Chatterjee and Maan, 2014). As a result of the sheer size, the various parts of the information just as its different sources, it is additionally an overwhelming errand to secure this measure of information. Defenselessness to unapproved get to is increased in view of the wide and circulated scope of access (Terzi, Terzi Sagiroglu 2015). Security Issues Penetrates to security that cause humiliations and different dangers: Actions that associations take in utilizing large information for investigation can without much of a stretch break the protection of the clients information and result in shames and claims, just as loss of occupations. A few retailers, for example, utilize large information on clients, utilizing such subtleties as pregnant clients due dates, or even month to month menstrual cycles for ladies, or the shade of unmentionables most purchased by a client (Crawford Schultz 2014). Information concealing being crushed in order to uncover individual data: If information covering is utilized improperly, prescient examination of large information can uncover people whose information was veiled. The novelty of prescient investigation of enormous information implies that associations despite everything stay mindful of such dangers, incredibly uncovering singular private data to undesirable crowds, for example, programmers People have no (or there are not many) lawful insurances for them. While specialists and controllers have communicated dangers to security because of prescient examination of offer information, lawful prerequisites for ensuring protection when enormous information investigation are being embraced are not yet existent, or stay hazy and murky (Paulson Scruth 2017). Danger of exploitative choices from prescient investigation of enormous information Prescient investigation of enormous information can be utilized to impact conduct which is deceptive and this happens when associations utilize huge information examination to settle on choices that don't take awareness of the estimation of human life/wellbeing. The potential for uncovering people groups individual data since it isn't unlawful through this disclosure can harm the lives/strength of the concerned people represents another protection risk (Kshetri 2014). Oppressive inclinations: Predictive investigation of large information can be utilized to give advancements, create courses among different utilizations; the outcomes can reverse discharge if there is no objectivity. Enormous information can make segregation increasingly common and inescapable, for example, in human asset arranging. A budgetary establishment can't decide the sexual direction or race of a credit candidate since this is illicit in any case; be that as it may, utilizing huge information and prescient investigation, the race, sex, age, monetary circumstance, even location of the imminent candidate can be mined through huge information examination by mining such data from the Internet of Things or from on-line stages, for example, web based life (Loehr 2017). With large information investigation, an advance solicitation can be turned down dependent on biased dynamic or calculations that are innately unfair. Security concerns Prescient investigation not generally precise: Despite the utilization of prescient examination of enormous information, a few issues may not be uncovered since the innovation isn't completely exact. The information records utilized in prescient examination can contain off base data and information on people or the calculations can be imperfect. Prescient investigation are just tantamount to the calculations utilized for producing results. The danger of mistakes builds proportionately to the expansion of information records to existing datasets alongside the utilization of complex models for information examination. Budgetary firms, for example, VISA depend a lot on prescient enormous information examination, for in addition to other things, distinguishing security breaks and extortion, yet there are issues with the models, misrepresentation will even now occur (Armerding 2017). The a lot of information associations gather about people and store distributive, for example Amazon, makes improved dangers to the security of the information. The information can be taken or hacked and be utilized for additional vindictive assaults. Prescient investigation is being utilized, and offers tremendous guarantees for associations in foreseeing representative conduct; the danger of flight can be anticipated early and suitable estimates taken. In any case, another component is presented with such applications; theoretical information on representatives. Past the standard monetary and individual data on workers, prescient examination boxes another issue of future conduct estimation, addressing the brain, heart, and aims of this representative. The inquiries that emerge are moral and down to earth; what is the prescient examination on flight dangers aren't right? The forecast of conduct can result in focused reactions by HR which fringes as a top priority control and social adjustment, a grave moral issue. On the off chance that the examination aren't right, a representative can be wrongly marked as being unfaithful and have their notoriety flawed, yet in actuality, they may simply have diverse conduct and this can bring about uncalled for activities from the executives. Aside from potentially giving incorrectly decisions, it is an unavoidable security attack; data that can be utilized malignantly even by insiders in the association. Hierarchical Change Assessment A review shows that few major associations despite everything accept that enormous information has a few colossal undiscovered open doors for what's to come. Huge information is being seen from the setting of various datasets mix to reveal or drive explicit bits of knowledge. 33% of the respondents accept that examination will be a necessary driver or hierarchical change and change inside associations, while likewise shaping a huge piece of everyday exercises in the running of associations (Klein 2014). Prescient examination of huge information or some other information will have a noteworthy effect in hierarchical procedures, remembering for item improvement. For example, a product or application engineer will change how they create programming and the speed with which this product is created and conveyed dependent on prescient investigation. Prescient examination is by and by utilized broadly in the budgetary administrations division, for example to anticipate credit danger of a cu stomer, by protection firms for foreseeing misfortunes, by law requirement offices to foresee the nature and sorts of criminal acts, and by associations to foresee representative conduct and flight chance, as HP as of now does (Siegel 2013) . Prescient examination can be extended to prescriptive investigation so an individual can recognize what is probably going to mess them up in future and what they can do to beat such issues. Utilizing prescient investigation to decide future client conduct, item and market patterns, or worker conduct, associations will (and right now are) increasing key upper hands in their business sectors and beating the opposition not yet utilizing prescient examination thoroughly. Effectively, prescient investigation has been utilized to foresee champs of races; Nate Silver anticipated, in 2012, the victor in all the fifty DC expresses an
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Parents-Inspire Adventure! - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Parents-Inspire Adventure! - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Parents-Inspire Adventure! My son is a junior at Georgia Tech (yes, a UGA admissions person has a child at GT), where he is studying Aerospace Engineering with a Certificate in Astrophysics. My wife and I have trouble even comprehending his courses now, such as Jet and Rocket Propulsion, much less being able to help him with any coursework. On the plus side, we do get to say Well yes, my son is a rocket scientist. We still like to give him our wonderful parental words of advice though, with one of the key ones being Go to all of your classes. It was challenging, therefore, when he told us in August that he would be missing the first day of class for the Fall 2017 term so he could travel with a group of friends to see solar eclipse in the path of totality in South Carolina. As parents, our first thought was to tell him no way. Its bad enough to miss class, much less miss the first day of class. But being good parents (at lease as good as we can be), we told him that it was his decision to make, and we would be okay with his choice. He let his professors know his plans, sent out texts and group invites planning out the trip, and then caravanned up to Clemson, SC with nine friends to experience the total eclipse. Being parents, we tracked his progress up to SC on our iPhone, hoping that they would not get caught up in traffic and that the trip would go well. It was wonderful when he texted us after the eclipse saying It was the most amazing thing ever!. This is high praise coming from a person where the majority of his responses to his parents are Okay and Yup. We spent too much time worrying about him missing class and too little time thinking about the amazing adventure he would experience. As a future Aerospace Engineer, his passion is space, and how much more thrilling an event can you get than a total eclipse surrounded by friends. We focused too much on the correct thing to do and too little on the overall impact of the actual experience. Sometimes parents of prospective college students focus so much on the process, they forget to look at the adventure. Yes, the college process is about admission, finding the right fit, and focusing on a degree/job. But it is also about the smaller, more meaningful events that occur within that span of four years. I personally dont believe that college will always be the proverbial best years of your life, as students will encounter joys and challenges during there college time. But what I do believe is that some of the most amazing adventures in your life will occur during your college time. The biggest thing for students is to learn to look for these potential events, and for parents to foster this mindset. So parents, help your kids with the day to day things, but dont forget to inspire them to seek out those amazing adventures that come along. Go Dawgs!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Academic Barriers Of High School Students Essay - 1198 Words
Academic barriers in High School The United States Census Bureau (2012), found that between 2006 through 2010, 14% of Hmong had their bachelor’s degree or higher. It was also noted that they â€Å"were below the national level of 28 percent†(2012, p. 5). Which is why it’s important to stress the importance of pursuing a higher education for Hmong high school students. However, academic barriers Hmong high school students face when planning their postsecondary plans, are financial hardships. Hmong students who participated in Lor’s research shared that â€Å"their parents’ financial resource were not enough to put them through college, as their parents did not have much formal education†(2008, p. 46). In fact, it has been recorded that the Hmong are â€Å"the poorest and most highly unemployed immigrants in the United States†(Su, Lee, Vang, 2005, p. 482; Swartz, Lee, Mortimer, 2003; Yang, 2003). For this reason, Hmong high school s tudents are encouraged to apply for financial aid, work-study programs, scholarships, grants, and seek employment to help pay their postsecondary expenses (Lor, 2008). In addition, Hmong high school students also struggle with understanding how the education system. It was brought to light that Hmong student in Xiong and Lam’s research stated, â€Å"having difficulties in navigating the higher education system, for example not knowing the academic requirements, admission requirements and campus resources†(2013, p. 137). Furthermore, a study conducted byShow MoreRelatedAcademic Barriers Hmong High School Students Face Essay1756 Words  | 8 PagesAcademic Barriers Hmong High School Students Face in the United States Introduction The Hmong, an Asian ethnic group, came from an oral culture, where they did not have any written form until the 1950s (McCall, 1999). 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Denver International Airport (DIA) Free Essay Example, 3500 words
Although scheduled to be ready in four years’ time, the project extended to five and a half years due to a series of delays (Wikipedia. org, 2007). The first delay was the result of improper planning and frequent design alterations to adapt to United Airlines’ fluctuating needs (Wikipedia. org, 2007). African American Mayor Wellington Edward Webb {term as Mayor: 1991 to 2001} (Castellino, p.33), Pena’s successor, was constrained to modify the opening day from October 29, 1993 to March 1994. The second delay, spawned by a September 1993 strike by specialized carpenters, gave rise to derisive misinterpretations of the DIA initials such as ‘Delayed Indefinitely Airport’ and ‘Denver’s Imaginary Airport’. Mayor Webb was forced to push back the date of scheduled opening to May 15, 1994. The third delay was caused in April 1994 by the gross malfunctioning of a newly installed computerized baggage facility in DIA. The facility continued to be regularly problematic, due to which it was terminated in September 2005 (Wikipedia. org, 2007) and replaced by manual baggage handling crew of 1,300 persons (Johnson, 2007). We will write a custom essay sample on Denver International Airport (DIA) or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The final preparations for opening day took place on September 25, 1994 when DIA invited Federal Aviation Administration {FAA} controllers and a large number of general aviation aircraft to try out its facilities and procedures. The success of this exercise literally laid the red carpet for the official opening ceremony on February 28, 1995. By that time, the total construction cost incurred was $ 5.2 billion {3.2 billion original budgets plus 2 billion excess} (Wikipedia. org, 2007). 2. AIRPORT ORGANIZATION CHART Ownership of DIA rests totally with the City of Denver. Under the umbrella of the City Charter, Denver’s Department of Aviation manages and controls day-to-day operations at DIA. In compliance with the terms of the Constitution of Colorado, the City of Denver has conferred on the Department of Aviation the power of ‘enterprise, ’ whereby it can officially issue revenue bonds or other monetary obligations in the name of the City of Denver. The mayor of Denver selects the manager of the Department of Aviation, with the latter expected to formally report directly to the former. There are about 1,000 city employees in the Department of Aviation. Turner West is the current manager of the department, having been appointed to the post in March 2006 by Mayor John Hickenlooper. In addition to overseeing all airport activities, Turner West has been allocated extra responsibilities associated with airport engineering, building and layout arrangements (Flydenver. com, 2007 ).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Motivational Essay Free Essays
Motivational Essay What is â€Å"Motivation†? Motivation means the desire to do something, or having interest or drive. People need motivation to do things that they have no interest or drive to do. For me as an example, I need motivation to get up early every morning, to go to school, or even going to the gym. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivational Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now I used to have problems doing things because I never had any motivation to do anything, No friends to be there when I needed them. They we’re always busy. So I had to figure out something. I searched many ways to bring my life to order, Some of them worked in the short run, but nothing truly fulfilled the requirement of life peace. A few months ago this all began to change. I started a daily workout schedule; I have been going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week , I’ve been going for almost a year. I started a healthy diet, I don’t eat out as much as I used to. I used to eat McDonald’s, Burger king , Carl’s Jr. very day . Now all my food is home cooked, and I quit smoking cigarettes because I have asthma and also did it, to better my health, and to this day it has brought stability to my personal life as well as my social life . I also decided to change up my studying habits in which it helped me motivate myself. Developing better study habits will help me with my course of study because it will better prepare me for any assignments or exams that are given in the future. In the past, and even sometimes now I have had a frequent problem of procrastination, and because of this I lack both rest and preparation to either finish my homework or do well on my tests. Beginning either my studies or assignments early on will help me drastically because dividing the workload within several days will help me retain information more effectively, as compared to all in one night. In conclusion of it all, I figured out my balance to life. I overcame my motivational barrier and prove to everyone that only I can, (as my own personal source) be the only one to change my life up and change for the better. How to cite Motivational Essay, Essays
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Define Culture free essay sample
A person without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. - Marcus Graver. This says that a person is defined by his or her culture by the way he/she acts, thinks, and speaks. A person is defined by his or her culture by the way he or she thinks. A person sees the world differently so the way they think and act would be distinct. They would think differently because of the different backgrounds that they have. In the story Imagine, It says you may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one.I hope someday youll Join us and the world will eve as one. John Lennox explains how people think hes different because of what he Is. He also says how people arent all the same but he wishes that one day we were. We will write a custom essay sample on Define Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He wishes that one day we will all see the world the same and we would be the same. A person Is defined by his or her culture by the way he or shes history, family tree, and he or shes way of life. A person is defined by his or her culture because it effects the way they act or speak. In the story Where Im From, George States Leaf fall from the family tree This example from the text explains that every detail, moment, r where she is from in the poem is from her family tree. Its saying the poem are moments or cultural things that effected her or shaped her as a person. The things she shares in the poem are all from her families history or culture (family tree). Although others may argue that culture doesnt effect your education, other people dont always agree,because their culture has taught them everything they know. An example on how culture defines your education is that people can attend any school , but when they are being taught, they realize that it is different from what they know.In the story, An Indian Fathers Plea, the protagonist argues, My son is culturally different. If you ask him how many months are in a year he will probably tell you 13. He will respond this way not because he doesnt know how to count but because he was taught by our people that there are 13 full moons in a year. This quote demonstrates that even though he is Indian, he is culturally different because his culture has taught him what he knows. Your families history, education, and your view or the way you think all contribute on how your culture defines you.Its obvious hat any person would benefit from he or shes culture. By magniloquent culture by the way he or she thinks. A person sees the world differently so the way different backgrounds that they have. In the story Imagine, it says you may say Im a is. He also says how people arent all the same but he wishes that one day we were. A person is defined by his or her culture by the way he or shes history, family tree, the way they act or speak. In the story Where Im From, George States Leaf fall dont always agree,because their culture has taught them everything they know.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Absolute Beginner English Daily Habits and Routines
Absolute Beginner English Daily Habits and Routines After students have completed this lesson they will be able to complete most basic linguistic functions (giving personal information, identifying and basic description skills, talking about basic daily tasks, and how often those tasks are done). While there is obviously a lot more learning to be done, students can now feel confident that they have a strong base on which to build in the future. With this lesson, you can help students begin speaking in longer phrases by having them prepare a talk on their daily activities that they can then read or recite to their fellow classmates and which can then be used as the basis for questions. Part 1: Introduction Give the students a sheet with various times of the day. For example: 7:007:308:0012:003:305:006:3011:00 Add a list of verbs they are familiar with on the board. You may want to write a few examples on the board. For example: 7.00 - get up7.30 - eat breakfast8.00 - go to work Teacher: I usually get up at 7 oclock. I always go to work at 8 oclock. I sometimes have a break at half past three. I usually come home at five oclock. I often watch TV at eight oclock. etc. (Model your list of daily activities to the class two or more times.) Teacher: Paolo, what do I often do at eight oclock in the evening? Student(s): You often watch TV. Teacher: Susan, when do I go to work? Student(s): You always go to work at 8 oclock. Continue this exercise around the room asking students about your daily routine. Pay special attention to the placement of the adverb of frequency. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said. Part II: Students Talk About Their Daily Routines Ask students to fill out the sheet about their daily habits and routines. When students are finished they should read their list of daily habits to the class. Teacher: Paolo, please read. Student(s): I usually get up at seven oclock. I seldom have breakfast at half past seven. I often go shopping at 8 oclock. I usually have coffee at 10 oclock. etc. Ask each student to read their routine in class, let students read all the way through their list and take note of any mistakes they may make. At this point, students need to gain confidence when speaking for an extended period of time and should, therefore, be allowed to make mistakes. Once the student has finished, you can correct any mistakes he or she may have made. Part III: Asking Students About Their Daily Routines Ask students to once again read about their daily routine to the class. After each student has finished, ask the other students questions about that students daily habits. Teacher: Paolo, please read. Student(s): I usually get up at seven oclock. I seldom have breakfast at half past seven. I often go shopping at eight oclock. I usually have coffee at 10 oclock. etc. Teacher: Olaf, when does Paolo usually get up? Student(s): He gets up at 7 oclock. Teacher: Susan, how does Paolo go shopping at 8 oclock? Student(s): He often goes shopping at 8 oclock. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. Pay special attention to the placement of the adverb of frequency and the correct usage of the third person singular. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Books’ Argument Life and humans’ ecosystem depend on the environment entirely. The book of Rachel Carson, which is titled as â€Å"Silent Spring†, has shed light on what environmental conservation entails. This book describes the threats faced by the environment due to human activities. It is interested in environmental conservation and the threats of its degradation to nature where it elaborates the details concerning environmental conditions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Silent Spring†by Rachel Carson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In perspective, the author inspects the areas of the environment that have been affected adversely which include the earth’s water sources and atmosphere among others. In this light, she argues that the human race has to pay because of misusing the environment and encourages humanity to conserve it properly. Furthermore, she identifies and c riticizes the strategies that are applied without considering the environmental conservation and protection. In this regard, she describes the effects of using DDT when showing how people have neglected other creatures in the ecosystem. This book has assessed most aspects including the positive and the vast negative impacts of human activities on the environment. The explicit details of societal participation in environmental pollution have pointed out clearly about the effects of human activities and their impacts on the surrounding. She argues that the environment depends entirely on the activities of human beings. Rachel establishes the impacts of man’s socio-economic activities on the environment and the society. Social Factors Several social factors have been outlined in the book as the possible causes of environmental degradation. These factors include overcrowding that arises in the refugee camps. The strategies initiated to save refugees’ lives have resulted to pollution of rivers and other water sources. For instance, the government launches plans to boost food production through irrigation projects which use pesticides. Unfortunately, these actions have led to adverse reactions including the pollution of rivers among others. In this light, a refugee manager attributed the death of birds to pesticide accumulation in the rivers due to the agricultural practices (Rachel, 45). These depict how the human population causes environmental degradation. In malaria prevalent areas, the pesticides used to control mosquitoes have led to a decline in the insects’ population due to the use of DDT. Moreover, Carson also identifies poverty as a major player in the degradation of the environment. The insect disease vectors that carry malaria are very common in places with poor sanitation which arise due to poor social setup and economic imbalances.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get you r first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Impacts of Degradation Several impacts of degradation have been identified in the societies and the environment. The pollution of the environment by the pesticides drained into rivers has led to the loss of biodiversity owing to the fact that birds inhabiting the rivers are reported dead. The other result of degradation is the reduced aesthetic value of the environment. The author has brought up a clear incident on how trees are drying due to the use of pesticides. In areas prone to environmental degradation, reduced fecundity, malnutrition, and pandemic diseases have resulted to a negative change of the human population. There are diseases that reduce human lifespan and cause many deaths. The incident elaborated by Carson about two boys who died in Florida is a clear illustration on how death arises from the wastes that people dispose carelessly in the environment (Rachel, 28). Therefore, â€Å"Silent Spring†is the liter ature that most environmental scientists appreciate as it evaluates most issues concerning; the social causes of environmental degradation, its impacts in the societies, and its effects on the environment as a whole. Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. Print.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
What are the distinguishing aspects of Hispanic culture which affect Essay
What are the distinguishing aspects of Hispanic culture which affect political behaviour in the US after Obama - Essay Example The Census Bureau of the United States has defined individuals who are of Hispanic origin as those individuals who live in the United States, but state their origins as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central or South American. The same definition has been utilized by small business organizations all over the country as well as many federal, state and municipal agencies. This is needed by the mentioned organizations when it comes to awarding contracts to businesses owned by individuals from minority groups (US Census Bureau, 2001). As of this writing, the record for the number of Hispanic nationals residing in the United States has come up to 33 million, therefore making around 12 percent of the entire US population. It has been predicted that the numbers would increase to over 50 million by the year 2020 (US Census Bureau, 2001). According to Mendoza (1989), the Hispanic community is becoming increasingly acculturated. The process of ‘acculturation’ refers to the process of the integration of ethnic minorities into the mainstream culture of their environment. There has been research implying that acculturation has the tendency to reduce the feelings of inadequacy and helps minorities to feel a part of their ethnic group and the mainstream culture (La Fromboise et al., 1993). In the Hispanic population, acculturation has become more and more prevalent and despite this, there are still some cultural traits that Hispanic individuals possess, which in turn come into conflict with American culture. Lee et al (2006) has mentioned that cultural differences plays a part in affecting the organizational goals and objectives of an administration. The enormous changes in demographics within the 21st century has meant that postmodernism became one of the main players in the 2008 presidential elections. According to Sanchez & Fernandez (1993), Hispanic identity has been defined as the level to which individuals
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Mentorship For Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mentorship For Nursing - Essay Example Consequentially, mentors are responsible for and can enhance the quality of mentoring culture in clinical settings. How to promote effective mentorship is a difficult question, but it is clear that a good mentor will avoid the errors of over-protection and the flaws of the master-protege relationship, but will display appreciation of students’ efforts, demonstrate genuine concern for their successes and promote mutuality and reciprocity in their relations with students. Mentorship is becoming a critical instrument of growing professional nurses. With the shortage of professional nursing staff, mentorship has a potential to expand the pool of professional, caring nurses in healthcare. â€Å"Mentorship initiatives, especially in hospital settings, are being introduced and fostered to attract nurses to healthcare systems with the primary goals of nursing retention and support†(Block et al 134). However, mentorship is not good by itself; rather, good mentorship is the key to developing and retaining professional nursing staff (Jarvis 415). Much has been written and said about factors affecting mentorship and mentored students, in particular. Apart from the fact that students assessed formatively on their hand washing skills experience anxiety and anticipation, formative assessment also exemplifies the final product of the long process of mentoring and can be used to expose the flaws and inconsistencies in student-mentor relations. A student assessed formatively on their hand washing skills is primarily influenced by the quality of their relationship with the mentor, mentor guidance, culture, and leadership style (Bally 144; Bell-Ellison & Dedrick 556-7; Littlejohn 456; Saarikoski 1016). Guidance affects the quality of nursing student results, as it represents routine elements of daily cooperation with students, including problem-solving activities and planning formative assessment of the basic nursing skills (Bell-Ellison & Dedrick 556; Berk et al 70 ). The quality of the student’s presentation is profoundly influenced by their relationship with the mentor; this relationship incorporates a complex set of elements, including student and mentor’s personal problems, worldview, and social activities (Bell-Ellison & Dedrick 557). One important aspect that influences both the relationship and the results of formative assessment is the mentor’s leadership style, as well as the supervision system (Saarikoski 1016). Simply stated, how the student is assessed and what skills he (she) develops as a result of the mentorship program largely depends upon the quality of mentor’s supervision and their understanding of the students’ experiences, contexts, and cultures (Saarikoski 1016). The importance of the mentorship-culture relationship can hardly be overstated. Successful mentors must be able to create a â€Å"full†picture of the organization and leadership, by recognizing a complex interrelationshi p between mentorship, leadership and organizational culture (Bally 144; Callahan & Ruchlin 296; Neuhauser 471). This picture will help nursing mentors to understand how various aspects of one and the same culture interact. The choice of particular leadership style must also depend upon the culture, in which students and mentors interact, since no mentorship will work when there is no leadership-culture congruence
Monday, January 27, 2020
News Channels Prefrences
News Channels Prefrences After the last millennium year, we had seen a great budding in the entertainment news channel segment. With privatization came, the growth of joint ventured channels as well as big corporations joining the line. Progressively, it broadened its horizon into other sectors Music , Kids , Movie and Sports channels. We also saw a great mushrooming in the News segment. The huge growth was seen with increase in number as well as the audience response. According to Television Audience Meter, the overall television audience share of news channels increased from 1.5 per cent in 2001 to 7.9 per cent in 2012. Therefore, the amount of money spent on this segment was increased as companies could reach specific viewers. The AC Nielsen survey conducted in India showed that 30% of the TV watching population watched Entertainment Channels during the prime time whereas only 8% of the population watched news channels during that hour. With the day to day increase in competition in the News Channel Segment, it remains difficult to keep up the constant viewership. Hence, all the channels are running the rat race in market for gaining mass eyeballs. The news beats are repeated 247 just to keep the viewer stick to the television. These News channels have a floating audience. Literature Review The following is the list of different literature that I have consulted before i undertook this project. All these different pieces of work have helped us deciding the course of action that we may follow and also provided a starting point based upon which we have developed our methodology to achieve our objective. INDUSRTY OMNIBUS RESEARCH REGARDING STUDY OF VIEWS ON NEWS CHANNELS PREFRENCES Cyber Media Research had conducted a survey to understand a viewers perception, awareness preferences .They interviewed around 703 households in Ambala, Delhi Mumbai. The participants were asked to tell their first recall, about their preferred channels without the help of any hints. They were then given a list of 54 channels and they were requested to choose channels. In this way, top-of-mind, total unaided and total preference (sum of unaided and aided preference), were captured in the study and analyzed. Results showed that Hindi news channels were more popular than their English counterparts. AajTak lead with 66% of the market share followed by Star news, Zee news NDTV. This research helped us in determining the factors that people value during setting their preferences for a news channels. UMAR SURVEY BY AC NIELSON This survey covered the media consumption habits of Indians in TV, Print Online media. They used random telephone calls, TV diaries, booklets in which samples of viewers record their TV viewing during measurement week, electronic gadgets like people meter were also used. Calculation of reach: Proxy Sample Rate: 10 individuals For a single episode, if out of 10 people at least 6 saw the 1 minute of the programme then, the reach is calculated as 6 out of 10. Therefore, reach comes up to 60%. Conclusion: The result of the study showed that English is preferred language when going for print media whereas the television is watched more in regional languages. 9 out of 10 people watch TV nearly three-fourth of the surveyed read English dailies. Result also shows that magazines are not a popular choices amongst the rich more than 6 in 10 individuals do not read magazines. This research helps by informing us that the viewership also depends on the segments of people and their preference and lifestyle. FACTORS THAT IMPACT NEWS This article by Edd Applegate, a professor of Advertising at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro writes how journalists should not be influenced by commercials or professionally prepared news releases. He also speaks about how the news is being generated by PR Personnel and Manipulators. Manipulators have been successful in the past, perhaps too often for the countrys welfare. For example, Presidents of the USA such as Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon were successful in manipulating the press. President Franklin Roosevelt and his charismatic personality influenced what and how reporters wrote for the press. 4. CATEGORY TO HARD AND SOFT NEWS -CONFERENCE PAPERS, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION. The study mainly focused on print journalism. However, as briefly described above, it describes hard news / soft news studies, which now does not limit itself to the print media but rather include television and more recently, new media. Moreover, as we will presently show, most of these studies research the way the audience (readers, viewers, listeners) consume the different types of news. Methodology The data collection instrument in this survey is questionnaires collected through field based survey Web based survey. The location of the survey was limited to the periphery of Manipal. The questions records the degree to which Television News Channels sensationalize and manipulate news and space for their suggestions is also provided. The survey consists of ten questions and the Sample size was between 50 60, which is significant for doing and Qualitative Critical Analysis. The results will be depicted using tools like Histogram Pie Charts. Sample Size: 55 Types Sources of Data: Sources of primary data are Businessmen Service Employees Students Housewives Introduction Television in India has existed in India for about decades, before which the transmission was mainly in black and white. The first telecast started on September 15th 1959 in New Delhi. Color Television was introduced in India during the eighties by state owned broadcaster Doordarshan (DD), followed by the Asian Games which India hosted. In the nineties came the broadcasting of satellite TV foreign programmers like CNN and Star TV followed by the domestic channels such as Zee TV and Sun TV. Prior to this people had to make it through Doordarshan telecasted mostly socio economic development programmes, programmes on agriculture, education etc. with very little entertainment in spite of which the audience were glued to their television sets. Around 1995 Indian viewers were exposed to more than 50 channels and by 1996, more than 60,000 cable operators existed in India. Entry of music channels, movie based channels, soaps started dominating Indian channels by 2003. India in the recent years has experienced the rise of more than fifty 24- hour satellite news channels, broadcasting news in 22 different languages. Indian had only one government controlled television network until private satellite networks came up and hyped up their presence. These 24- hour news channels were considered much better than Doordarshan because of its virtual nature and its capacity to simultaneously capture and publicize reality. Even without commentary a television clip became interesting enough as was shot live. Television as we know has the capability to reach millions of people at the time because it can transmit both pictures and words which become a very powerful advantage and keeps the audience glued. Also the images shown on television are much more effective and powerful than a static picture in a newspaper. However, news channels are on a look out for rating of a particular story, so ironically 24/7 news channels do not telecast news the whole day, the main news although is seen only during the morning, afternoon, evening and late night hours. It is being advocated that television journalism should move beyond mere news reporting to in-depth analysis of news. News channels need to be more sensitive in their reportage and should present the facts in a new format. The problem, it is felt with too much competition among news channels is that, in the race to grab viewers attention, TV channels end up dumping down or using the lowest common denominator to produce programmes that end up underestimating the intelligence of their viewers. Worse, channels trivialize, sensationalize etc. As more news channels enter the fray the endeavor to ensure not just authenticity and empathetic portrayal of people, but credibility as well, would assume paramount importance. WHAT IS NEWS? News is a report of a current event Or future events . News is a description about current on goings in a newspaper, television, radio or internet. From all these, we can safely define news as a development that has happened in the past 24 hours which was not known outside and which is of wide interest to the people and that which generates curiosity among people. W. Lance Bennett claimed, News is usually defined as information that is timely, relevant to the concerns of its audience, and presented in a form that is easy to grasp. NEWS CHANNEL A news channel is one that telecasts, unlike entertainment oriented TV channels, the news that is immediate and effective. A news channels can do what a newspaper cannot because it transports the viewer, though live pictures, to the scene of action. Previously, the Indian viewers had very limited options for watching news. For news they had watch Doordarshan during fixed hours, and some International news continuous channels like BBC and CNN which were available to few viewers. In the need to provide more news and information and to make people more aware of their day to day happenings, Zee News came into the scenario. This is when there emerged what is known as the revolutionary way of telecasting news. Followed by Zee News were Star News and NDTV to provide news and information to the mass audience. In course of time, news stories that were telecasted in all these news channels began to acquire a certain exaggerated and sensationalized character that in a certain sense became difficult to differentiate between reality and entertainment. There are over fifty news channels, including the national and regional, telecasting news all over India. This makes the viewer at times confused as to which channel to watch or just try and watch all the channel leading to the phenomenon called channel switching. Television is a one-way communication; therefore it important to establish the credibility of news channels to ensure quality news. Information today is considered as the main priority in mist peoples lives. Therefore, in this competitive world to get attention from people, credibility is a must. For instance, if BBC is taken as our standard, the Indian channel are long associated with that of BBC, how many of them are even making an attempt to do that is a question that crosses many viewers mind. Sensationalism a conceptual framework The media, especially the news media , has been identified as the fourth estate that works to inform and educate the people in a manner that is fair and accurate while maintaining objectivity; a term used often in the expression of news. Yadav and Sharma (2006) quote Dr N Bhaskara Rao, chairman of the centre for media studies (CMS), New Delhi, Studies indicate that the level of public confidence in the media has been on a decline. There are accusations of arrogance, insensitivity, bias, accuracies, sensationalism, stereotypes, trivialization, conflict of interest and disappearing line between news and views on the other. This brings up the question as to whether the media is overtly indulging in sensationalism and whether such behavior reflects a lack of accountability. Even a not-so-close study of news channels today will indicate a paradigm shift in the standards of news gathering and presentation. Stories are glorified so frequently on the news that it becomes difficult to differentiate between reality and entertainment. Most often the entertainment quotient is higher than the information value. This leaves the consumer of the news, sitting comfortably in armchairs in heated living rooms, absolutely heartbroken at the state of this planet and the people. Most often than not, the emphasis of the story is more on the emotional responses to a particular event than on the event itself. The superficial controversies gets reported leaving little room for in depth analysis of substantiate issues. The focus lies on the juicy aspects of the story to pull in a larger share of the audience which can sold to the advertisers. The news channels face a crisis with the race of eyeballs as they cater more and more to the masses, their programmes accused of lacking dignity and credibility in their coverage. News media is no longer brought to us solely as an accurate source of information about local and global issues. In reality, it is driven by a corporate agenda that has identified a profit opportunity for fulfilling our need to know about the world around us. Increasing corporate involvement has added a whole new dimensions to what we know only as the news. Now factors like reviewing ratings advertising, the 24*7 trend and explosion of technology play more critical roles ultimately affecting the content of the information being provided. Technology by itself was not sufficient to create the multi channel revolution. It is the programmes, their content, their forms and format, the presentation-style, gloss and finish that the ever growing demand of television channels. Media- Money Matters Though the media industry is considered to be the watchdog of the society with its primary aims being to inform, educate and to entertain, there is no denying that today it is driven by profit. Unlike newspapers, news channels and talk o not receive much in terms of the subscription. The cost of some production in terms of the various equipment and resources persons required to come up with bulletins and breaking news is quite high. The constraints of time further increase costs. Such being case, advertisements not only help to cover the production and administrative costs, they also accumulate profits. News media organizations is driven by profit and the profit is dependent on the ratings received, its very important to take steps to ensure people keep watching. Causing a reaction in an audience will get them to tune in the following day. Getting people to tune in everyday is money. Broadcasters buy programming outright from television software companies. The price depends on several things, the genre and the production house among them. Sitcoms and talk shows are less expensive as they are shot within a studio. Similarly, game shows may seem cheaper to make since they are studio based but if the anchor is a big name the cost could be high. Currently, airtime is bought of ratings and advertising rates that channels offer. The weekend Television Audience Measurement (TAM) ratings similar to the TRPs, gauge the viewership demographics of various channels and programmes. The study helps media researchers identify the attention patters of channels, programmes or time slots. Creative heads in each organization constantly strive to come up with programmes which will keep the target audience glued to the television sets. Most often they experiment with anything seemingly fresh or just to publicize a non issue. What makes the TAM ratings even more crucial is the fact that the inflow of ads hinges on them. In short a channels success can be described as a crucial chain of captive programmes, increased viewership, higher TRPs, augmented inflow of revenue and therefore, better content generation. Reporters or their media might benefit from reporting controversy because controversial stories may be more engaging and easier to write. The 247 Trend News programmes are vying for attention with other popular programmes telecast in different channels. The biggest task for launching a satellite channel is programme software for round the clock. In this juncture, news gathering is a major task for the 24- hour news channels. To cater to the task, the emerging electronic channels have not only revolutionized the concept of news on the Indian television but have also changed the news formats. From local events to international events, breaking news to news analysis, television soap to page3 news, every happening comes under purviews of news. But the very nature of 24 hour news channels demands a constant feeding and re-cycling. The tyranny of the sound bite often reduces complex issues to ten second statements. Heads of news organizations agree that today cricket, crime and cinema dominate news. Unlike the print media they do not assume a public interests broadcasters role and thus, let the weekend TAM ratings steer content. Sensationalism Sensationalism in journalism has been a popular topic of fiery discussions for centuries. The word sensationalism is used loosely by people to criticize the media. Even in academic circles, the term has been used with little precision. The most common but vague classifications of the concept are by content: stories about crime, accidents, disaster, and scandal. A few scholars acknowledge that formal features may play a role in what we have come to call sensational, but precisely how the packaging of stories contributes to sensationalism remains virtually unexplored, especially in terms of television news. Data Analysis Below is the graphical representation of the Demography of people surveyed. Age 21 years and Below 3 22- 35 42 36 50 7 50 and above 3 55 As per Age Question 1: Effectiveness of documentary style reporting such as Satyamev Jayate. In the survey of this question it is found that 16% feel that the documentary style programs are not interesting or over analyzed, 36% feel that the reports are irrelevant and only 48% feel that the reports efficiently dealt with the social problems. Irrelevant 19 Not Interesting, over analyzed 8 Efficiently deals and fights with social problems 26 Very Useful 2 55 Question 2: About Breaking News / Exclusive news. 32% of the surveyed population feels that the current practice of showing breaking news is sensationalizing the news whereas 28% feels it is to increase the viewership, 24% feels it is to inform the audience and 16% dont care. Sensationalizing the news Increase the Viewership Informing the audience Dont know 18 15 13 9 Question 3: Effect of Soft News Style of Reporting If the news is framed into a more feature or documentary style it is found that it would not have any effect on the viewership of 63% whereas it would positively impact the viewership of 16% and negatively impact 21%. Positive 63% Negative 21% No Effect 16% Limitations: 1) Due to time constraints, the survey could not be carried out for a large and diversified population. 2) Our respondents are mostly professionals, students and faculty members. 3) This research is mainly based on media and in media. I have covered only TV channels and shows. The study has not included any radio, newspaper or other entertainment channels. Conclusion The sensationalism of news during the dawn of TV journalism in India has becomes the foundation of media professionals in present day and age. The missing investigative spirit, zeal of reporting and the absence of responsibility are all well thought-out to be reasons for these circumstances. The ethics of a journalist has been replaced by money minting thoughts combined with irrelevant media morals where the information is manipulated and spiced up to become the ticket to roof hitting TRPs. Interestingly enough, among the first few cases of news sensationalism is the William Hearsts case of 1898. William Hearst owned The New York Journal, his false reports and pictures resulted in the Spanish-American war. The war in turn resulted to the end of the Spanish domination in Cuba. The world never forgave him for his professional dishonesty, hence the media named him as the father of Yellow Journalism. Although the print media learnt to evolve their guidelines following criticism of its sensationalist stance, TV journalism continues to carry on this disgraceful tradition. In unstructured societies like India, where media is not subjected for fixing responsibility and holding accountability, there is considerable damage. Media now, is being measured less by how objective and credible it is than more in terms of the devastation it can inflict. Lack of organizational checks as well as the encouragement, has seen news being dramatized, as well as spicing it up to stimulate public interest. The result is that often these unverified facts compose a major part of the information telecast throughout the day, seven days a week. This has blurred the line between the do`s and donts of journalism. But Television News channels have certain areas where they have been consistently performing well, but taking to unfair means to lure people into increasing viewership is certainly wrong. They require considerable introspection which is important if media men are to stop contributing to conflicts and violence through sensational reporting. Inaccessibility and the involvement of violent interest groups force media men to stay away from the gory scene. These make journalists dependent on second-hand information gleaned from different sources. In such a scenario, quoting well-informed officials is a blessing in disguise to keep the information clock of the TV channels ticking. However, are media men justified in feeding half-baked and sensational information to the public? Does a political stunt, not corroborated by facts, provide the basis for solid news? Do journalists know that professionalism requires them to probe beyond the apparent facts? And do media men realize how insensitively the most sensitive issues are being dealt with? The answers to these questions require considerable introspection which is important if people from the media industry are to stop, consciously or unconsciously, contributing to conflicts and violence through sensational reporting. Bibliography: Aurthur Asa Berger Media Analysis Techniques. Learning from Jon Stewart: How Soft News Programs Inform Infrequent Consumers of Traditional News. Silent Eva Jayate by S. Anand Outlook-India Magazine -23-July-2012. Hard News, Soft News, and the gendered discourse of important and interesting Conference papers, International Communication Association. General News: The Necessity of Adding an Intermediate Category to Hard and Soft News 2004 Conference papers, International Communication Association. Factors That Impact News by Edd Applegate The Featurization of Journalism by Steen Stevensen Any Good News in Soft News? Markus Prior WEBSITES News Audiences Increasingly Politicized
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Comparison of the North American and Japanese Educational Systems Essay
Comparison of the North American and Japanese Educational Systems The comparison between Japanese and North American educational systems is often used. The Japanese system, along with other Asian cultures, places importance on the group and the interdependence of its members (Cole & Cole, 2001, p. 541). The North American model, in contrast, focuses on the ideals of individuality and independence (Cole & Cole, 2001, p.541). This contrast is due to a conflicting cultural/social structure and outlook of the world. Japanese look at the development of self as doubled sided: the inner self and the social or public self (Hoffman, 2000, p.307). Within the Japanese education system, the teacher's goal is to develop and cultivate both layers. Opposing this concept can be found in the North American style, which does not distinguish the two, but instead stresses the importance of the one true self (Hoffman, 2000, p.307). It is interesting to compare my personal experiences as an educator in both Japan and Canada. Both educational systems aims towards the sam e outcome: the development of the child toward their future role in adult society. However, the difference can be seen in the differences in the educator's desire for the children’s development, and their role in adult society.      The Japanese educational system emphasizes the importance of the group (Hoffman, 2000, 301). The national, cultural image reflects its stress on group interconnectedness (Hoffman, 2000, p.301). Within a classroom’s daily life, large group activities are encouraged. Japanese students spend less time seated and more time participating in whole or small group activities (Hoffman, 2000, p.302). On a regular basis, as a teacher in elementary schools in Japan, I prepared group or whole class interactive activities. As children learn, the attention is given to the children' development in terms of a collective effort as a class (Hoffman, 2000, p.302). In Japan, the greatest task of the children's education is considered to be their socialization into group life (Hoffman, 2000, p.302). In the middle childhood years, there is a large increase of formalization and rituals in schools. Every part if life is a routine. The school code of dress, attitude, and daily routi ne, all are oriented to encourage proper observance of form (Hoffman, 2000, p.305). The role of the teacher is not authorita... ...The culture as a whole, reflects the need to be a member of a group. There are many cultural, sports and social adult groups. Within groups, Japanese adults are some of the most unique people, but without it, you wonder where their identity lies: what the group is or what they are as people.      Both of these educational systems are reflective of the culture. The Japanese educational system aims to socialize the children to rely on groups and stresses the importance of relations within those groups. In contrast, the North American educational system aims to socialize the children to be independent and individualistic. Each system aims to socialize their children in a way they see as important for the culture they live in. Japanese culture is very dependent on the group concept, whereas the North American culture stresses the notion of independence. References: Cole, Michael, & Sheila R. Cole, (2001) The Development if Children. (4th ed.). New      York, New York: Worth Publishers. Hoffman D, (2000). Individualism and Individuality in American and Japanese Early      Education: A Review and Critique. American Journal of Education 108 (Aug.,      2000): 300-317.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
“A business report of E-commerce for VG Jonesâ€Â
Electronic commerce on the Internet will, before the end of the century, profoundly redefine many basics of business.A fundamental new rule for business is that the Internet changes everything. Internet-driven electronic commerce is essential for organizations entering a virtual distribution marketplace and wishing to survive in it.Just as â€Å"location, location, location†defines value in real estate, in business today it's connectivity that equals competitiveness.Many Information Superhighway enthusiasts believe that networks of small firms or individuals constitute a new organizational form that will prove its superiority to both large, hierarchical corporations, on the one hand, and anarchical market relationships, on the other.Millions of consumers and businesses are waiting in line to participate in the expansion of intergalactic and gigantic virtual marketplaces.Most organizations now must compete in two marketplaces: a physical (traditional) one and the emerging elec tronic one, mediated by the Internet. The electronic highway is not merely open for business; it is relocating, restructuring, and literally redefining business in America.2Analysis of Advantage is a proven and powerful means of distribution and order fulfillment. Work directly with the Internet's leading retailer to market your products to customers.11Access to tens of millions of customers around the world Leverage Amazon's remarkable selling power with your whole catalog  including Not Yet Released and backlist itemsYour titles are eligible for Amazon's world-class marketing programs like personalization and auto-merchandisingYour products are available to ship to customers within 24 hours Control most aspects of your product's Detail PagesReceive quick and easy payments when your products sellEnjoy limited returns Support from our member services team 7 days a week Log in to your online account to confirm POs, add titles, and review sales reportsLaunched in 1996, Associates is's affiliate marketing program. By linking to Amazon products and services you can add compelling content for your site visitors enjoyment and receive up to 8.5% in referral fees for doing so.As one of the first online affiliate marketing programs, Associates has a 10-year track record of developing solutions to help website owners, Web developers, and Amazon sellers make money. Our latest innovations include aStore, Omakaseâ„ ¢ Links, and Product Previews.Current participants in the Amazon Associates program include large, well-known sites, niche content sites and blogs, comparison shopping engines, search engine marketers, and everything in between. Visit our Current Associates page to see how some of these members are using our solutions.How the Program WorksAssociates drive internet traffic to through specially formatted links that allow us to track sales and other activity. Associates earn up to 8.5% in referral fee s on all qualifying revenue made through their links. We send quarterly payment to Associates. Once you join the program, we will give you access to Associates Central, our extranet exclusive to our Associates.This is the place where you will build your links, view your traffic and earnings reports, and read about the latest news and opportunities available to you through the program. 11Participation is Easy and FreeComplete the online application.Create & post your links to using our Build Links tool in Associates Central.Begin tracking your traffic and earnings reports online. Reports are updated daily.Put Corporate Accounts to work for you! Whether you're a purchasing manager, teacher or professor, small business owner, librarian, clergy member, or government worker, our Corporate Accounts program enables you to purchase everything you need quickly, easily, and conveniently.For a limited time, we're offering mylar jackets for no additional cost. To take adva ntage of this offer, simply use the coupon code, OKUTFCMX, when placing your order. Amazon can now integrate with major procurement systems like Ariba, SAP, Oracle and PeopleSoft. You can now have a customized Amazon website that fits your Intranet look and feel with a seamless integration to your procurement system.11
Friday, January 3, 2020
Exercise Training Aerobic Exercise - 2329 Words
INTRODUCTION: During exercise training, such as weight lifting or cycling, the muscles produce varying forces. Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) is dependent on the training status of the individual, age, sex, heredity, disease/injury as well as the type of activity being performed [1]. Exercise can be categorized into two separate terms, anaerobic and aerobic activity. During aerobic exercise, such as endurance activities, slow-twitch (type 1) muscle fibers are recruited, which contain a large supply of myoglobin, mitochondria and blood capillaries, and are therefore resistant to fatigue [2]. The other type of exercise is anaerobic, which utilizes fast-twitch (type II) muscle fibers for strength, speed and power [2]. Muscular†¦show more content†¦This is known as ‘central fatigue’ and becomes apparent when there is a decrease in the amount of functioning motor units or a decline in motor unit firing rate [1]. Another term known as ‘peripheral fatigue’ is related to the inhibition of excitation contraction coupling, which affects the transmission of the action potential across the neuromuscular junction to the transverse tubules (T-tubules) [1]. In order to examine fatigue during the endurance test, we will use force and electromyography (EMG) measurements. For this particular lab, muscular strength, fatigue and endurance were measured by performing isometric forearm contractions. The purpose of this lab was to determine what happens to MVC during a muscle fatigue test and 4 â€Å"recovery†contractions; in addition, various differences between the generation of maximal force and the maintenance of MVC during the endurance test were also established among the subjects. Another reason for this lab was to examine the relationship between the subject characteristics, such as gender and training status, and their performance during both maximal force production and the endurance test. It is predicted that the results will show a decrease in MVC after the subject completes the muscle fatigue test as well as an increase in MVC during the recovery process. It is also anticipated that the male subjects will generate higher force values in comparison to the female participants due to increased muscle
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